Microtector II G450 - Reliable 4-gas detector for personal …
The Microtector II G450 simultaneously monitors four gases such as methane, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide and oxygen. Our selection of different long-life sensors makes the multi-gas detector a reliable and versatile companion for daily work in …
The G450 provides three instantaneous alarms for oxygen (O 2) and combustible gases (CH 4), and two alarms for toxic gases (CO, H 2 S). The G450 warns the user of dangerous conditions caused by oxygen deficiency or enrichment and levels of combustible and toxic gases which exceeds the alarm threshold.
GFG 便携式气体检测仪 Microtector II G450
Microtector II G450 专为个人保护而开发,防止气体危险。 其坚固的设计使其可用于各种应用,从钢铁工业或炼油厂到下水道建设或消防部门。 紧凑型多气体检测仪可同时监测多达四种气体。
rating temperatures of +20°C. It will be reduced by pressing buttons (display ligh. ing & lamp) and by gas alarms. It is reduced with the age of the battery module, with the number of the charging / discharging cycles, by longer storage of the gas measurement device in the charging tr.
GfG G450 4 Gas Multi-Gas Detector - Advanced Safety Supply
The G450 Gas Detector offers exceptional performance for an extremely affordable price. The G450 four sensor multi-gas detector is compact, durable and very easy to use. The H2S sensor offers 0.1 ppm resolution to comply with the latest TLV requirements.
The G450 is a handheld detector for personal protection from hazards occurring by toxic or explosive gases and vapours as well as by lack or surplus of oxygen. The G450 measures permanently in diffusion mode and
GfG G450 Black Portable Gas Monitor G450-11410 - O2 (Oxygen)
The GfG Instrumentation portable gas monitor is packaged 1 each, comes in black and meets CSA; Ex standards. Using Alkaline batteries you will get an estimated 25 hr of use. Has 1,890 intervals of memory.
GFG 紧凑型多气体检测仪 Microtector II G450-测量检测-深圳德普瑞工控工程有限公司-重庆分公司-GFG …
2024年7月22日 · Microtector II G450 专为个人防护而开发,可防止气体危险。 其坚固的设计使其可用于各种应用,从钢铁工业或炼油厂到下水道建设或消防部门。 紧凑型多气体检测仪可同时监测多达四种气体。
Gas detector - Microtector II G450 - GfG - multi-gas / H2S / O2
The robust and durable GfG high performance sensors are able to measure the smallest gas concentration and thus to monitor the lowest occupational exposure limit value. The innovative multi-gas detector G450 passes the performance test and is certified according to EN 60079-29-1 (explosive gases), EN 50104 (oxygen) and EN 45544 (toxic gases).
GfG Microtector II G450 4 Gas Detector (Rechargeable) G450-11420
The G450 four sensor multi-gas detector is compact, durable and very easy to use. The H2S sensor offers 0.1 ppm resolution to comply with the latest TLV requirements. The G450 sensors are warranted for three full years, ensuring that the G450 has the lowest cost-of-ownership of any confined space gas detector on the market today.