Geology for Global Development
We advocate for the integration of geoscience into sustainable development at international forums, and are working to reshape the global geology community to better serve society. We provide geologists with the skills to make an effective …
Enhanced Communication in Void Region of Underwater Wireless …
Underwater wireless sensor networks utilising Greedy geographic forwarding based on geospatial division protocol (GGFGD) are being investigated to see if energy efficiency can be improved over Depth controlled routing protocol (DCR).
Geographic multipath routing based on geospatial division in duty ...
2016年1月1日 · By taking complex properties of underwater medium into consideration such as three dimensional topology, high propagation delay and path loss of acoustic channel, we propose two novel multi-path strategies called Greedy Geographic Forwarding based on Geospatial Division (GGFGD) and Geographic Forwarding based on Geospatial Division (GFGD).
Strategy 2022–31 - Geology for Global Development
Shape and advance the geoscience research and communication agenda for sustainable development: Generating, and catalysing others to generate, knowledge, tools, and techniques that address global challenges in an ethical, pro-poor, and integrated manner. 2.
Conferences and workshops — Geology for Global Development
Hosted by the Geological Society of London, the conference gathered 130+ students and recent graduates from around the UK and beyond to consider our role in the Sustainable Development Goals. The day included talks, discussion groups, panels, and a …
Geology for Global Development | LinkedIn
Geology for Global Development (GfGD) is a registered charity. Our purpose is to champion the role of geology in sustainable development, mobilising and reshaping the...
Geology for Global Development | A blog hosted by the …
Jesse Zondervan picks his favourite posts from geoscience and development news which cover the geology for global development interest.
Self-Organized Fast Routing Protocol for Radial Underwater …
2018年10月31日 · Greedy Geographic Forwarding based on Geospatial Division (GGFGD) and Geographic Forwarding based on Geospatial Division (GFGD) are 3D routing protocols. In GGFGD, first the target cluster is selected. The distance of the target cluster from the sink must be shorter than the distance from the current cluster. This may make the total path longer.
In GGFGD algorithm, parameters such as energy, distance, density, data loss, latency, and sleeping and awakening of sensor nodes are considered for an optimal routing. To reduce the path length and propagation delay in GGFGD algorithm, the main goal is sending the information to the nearest node toward the sink.
Enhanced Communication in Void Region of Underwater Wireless …
Underwater wireless sensor networks utilising Greedy geographic forwarding based on geospatial division protocol (GGFGD) are being investigated to see if energy efficiency can be improved over Depth controlled routing protocol (DCR).