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Ggggg - Know Your Meme
Ggggg is a cryptic in-joke on the social news site Reddit that was initially conceived as a covert method of text-based communications involving the sequential use of the English alphabet letter "G" in its both uppercase and lowercase forms.
GGGGG - YouTube
GGGGG: 100-Player Battle Royale / Let's GGGGGO!!!!! Co-op Competitive Action Game『GGGGG』Official YouTube Channel In GGGGG...- The basic controls are just move, attack, and special move in this...
Ggggggggggggggggggg - YouTube
박지은 (@gggggggi_) • Instagram photos and videos
184 Followers, 226 Following, 188 Posts - 박지은 (@gggggggi_) on Instagram: ""
ggggggg是什么梗 - 抖音
00:06 gg这个梗是电竞游戏里面常用的词,原意是指竞技游戏中输的那一方在退出前先打出gg (good game),意思是对方打了场漂亮的比赛以示礼貌。 如今也有胜利方打出gg来嘲讽败方的意思。 00:22 同其他很多网络语言一样,随着网络的普及,gg的应用亦趋向于日常生活之中,表示失败、结束、完蛋了等含义。 最早出自韩国的一局高水平星际比赛之中,第一局结束一方以极小的优势胜出。 第二局比赛开始,上局输了比赛的选手给对方发了一句good game,其实际意思是夸 …
Gggggggi · GitHub
GitHub is where Gggggggi builds software.
GGGGGGGI的博客 博客 (0) 收藏 关注 只看原创 排序: 按最后发布时间 按访问量 RSS订阅 公安备案号11010502030143 京ICP备19004658号 京网文〔2020〕1039-165号 经营性网站备案信息 北京互联网违法和不良信息举报中心 家长监护 网络110报警服务 中国互联网举报中心 Chrome商店下载 账号管理规范 版权与免责声明 ...
ggggggg - YouTube
The official YouTube channel for GGGGG, a co-op competitive action game with simple controls.
gggggggi - YouTube