Griffin Hall - Northern Kentucky University
Griffin Hall (Center for Informatics), NKU's newest academic building, anchors a campus quad, known as the West Quad, bordered by the Student Union, Nunn Hall, Founders Hall and the …
Northern Kentucky University AnyTour Virtual Tour & Interactive …
At the heart of Griffin Hall is the George and Ellen Rieveschl Digitorium, a 120-seat reconfigurable auditorium with a floor-to-ceiling digital media wall.
Room Request - Northern Kentucky University
Use the links below to find and reserve space across campus. Need Help Reserving a Space? Instructions. Academic Classrooms, AC, CITE, GH, HIC. SU, UC, Outdoor, Norse Commons, …
Campus Info / Maps - Northern Kentucky University
Click image above to use interactive campus map and video tours. Northern Kentucky University, a growing metropolitan university on a thriving suburban campus near Cincinnati.
Maureen Doyle - Northern Kentucky University
GH 469 Northern Kentucky University Highland Heights, KY 41099 Phone (859) 572-5468 In Person. Griffin Hall (GH), Room 469 email [email protected] skype
Our People - Northern Kentucky University
Whittney H. Darnell, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at Northern Kentucky University. Her research focuses on understanding and improving the conversations people have about their …
NKU Home Page: Northern Kentucky University, Greater …
Northern Kentucky University, a growing metropolitan university on a thriving suburban campus near Cincinnati.
location info - sappho.nku.edu
Email address: [email protected]. Office Information: Office: Griffin Hall, room 444 Office phone: (859) 572-5334 Office fax: (859) 572-5398 . Griffin Hall is building GH shown in the map …
Griffin Hall (GH) at NKU - Campus Maps
Get or Share Directions To Griffin Hall (GH). Got an Update Tip or Feedback for this NKU Map?
Wei Hao , Ph.D. - Northern Kentucky University
Northern Kentucky University Highland Heights, KY 41099 Email: [email protected] Office: GH 518 Phone: (859)572-5659