GHD | Engineering, Architecture & Construction Services
GHD is a global, multidisciplinary professional services network providing clients with integrated solutions across advisory, digital, engineering, architecture, environmental and construction. Our future-focused, innovative approaches connect and support communities around the world, building resiliency and sustainability for generations to come.
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As a global network of diverse and skilled individuals, GHD has office locations in Asia, Australia, Europe, North and South America, and the Pacific region.
WJNC(Wayang Jogja Night Carnival) (@wjnc.official) - Instagram
Kilas balik di WJNC #9 merayakan ulang tahun kota Jogja ke-268! Suasana di Tugu Yogyakarta dipenuhi warna-warni penampilan dari berbagai daerah, ditambah pertunjukan wayang dari 14 kemantren. Dimas Diajeng Kota Jogja menghadiri dan menyambut para pejabat serta tamu undangan yang menyaksikan WJNC #9.
GHD的业务涉及城市规划与建筑设计、水务、环境、能源和交通等五大领域,超过3.9亿美元的年营业额,为工程与建筑业的全球30强。 GHD is an international network of engineers, architects and environmental scientists serving clients in the global markets of water, energy and resources, environment, property and buildings, and transportation. GHD在中国已有了15年的项目设计咨询与实施经验,在北京、长沙、武汉、香港设有分支机构,拥有员工超过350人。 在中国主要服务 …
Wayang Jogja Night Carnival (WJNC) adalah acara tahunan yang dilaksanakan secara rutin sejak pertama kali pada tahun 2016. Mengambil konsep karnaval jalanan (art on the street) yang menggabungkan dengan tema pewayangan. Penampilan ini melibatkan seni koreografi, busana, musik kontemporer dan permainan lighting.
About GHD
Founded in 1928, GHD has been creating lasting benefit for communities around the world for over 90 years. GHD pride ourselves in our extensive expertise across all our subject areas, as well as thought leadership on the best industry practice.
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