GitHub - tsokalo/ghn-plc: ns-3 based simulation of G.hn protocol …
This repository contains the ns-3 based simulation model of G.hn protocol with PLC physical layer. In also includes the modified plc ns-3 module and also plc-fd module, which enable full-duplex for CSMA/CD in PLC.
G.hn - Wikipedia
Gigabit Home Networking (G.hn) is a specification for wired home networking that supports speeds up to 2 Gbit/s and operates over four types of legacy wires: telephone wiring, coaxial cables, power lines and plastic optical fiber.
傳輸率/互通性表現出色 G.hn滿足智慧家庭聯網需求 | 新通訊
2013年11月25日 · G.hn技術提供目前最理想的PLC體驗,可提升連線速度及效能,資料傳輸率高達每秒1Gbit/s,還能將多媒體內容傳送至家庭內所有連線的智慧型電視(Smart TV)及裝置。
G.hn:电力载波技术的介绍 - 技象科技
2023年9月12日 · G.hn是一种电力载波(PLC)技术,它可以通过家庭电网来提供高速数据传输。它可以提供家庭网络的安全性,可靠性和可扩展性。G.hn可以支持多种应用,包括多媒体流媒体,网络
2020年5月14日 · G.hn is a globally recognized ITU-T standard. Intended to provide guidance to system vendors and utilities to define, configure, deploy, and network various devices using G.996x transceivers in this type of environment. Currently in development. Expected release Q3/2020. Typical deployment of UHD video types in home network.
G.HN - Teleconnect
With the GHN.SOM.PLC, Teleconnect offers a powerful, easy-to-use, compact and retrofittable solution for bringing MIMO-capable powerline communication (PLC) with maximum performance to almost any existing device! PLC coupling without isolation on the board; Single wide-range power supply; MIMO operation for maximum performance
G.hn Wave-2 对比 HomePlug AV2 - WAVLINK
2022年8月15日 · 目前,市面上电力猫采用的电力通信技术有G.hn标准和HomePlug AV (HPAV)标准两种。 HomePlug 1.0在2001年11月首次发布,其理论数据率最高为14Mbps;HomePlug 1.0 Turbo版于2004年推出,其最大理论数据率提高到85Mbps;而HomePlug AV于2005年推出,支持传输速率达到200Mbps。 由于出现时间较早,市场上的电力猫设备大多采用该标准。 HomePlug AV2于2012年1月推出,除了改善家庭覆盖范围外,其理论数据传输速率最高可达1200Mbps …
Ghn | devolo
The update to G.hn means that the speed in the Powerline backbone has been increased enormously (currently as high as 2400 Mbps). The update also features improved stability and a greater PLC range of up to 500 metres.
ghn-plc/scratch/ghn-plc-example.cc at master - GitHub
ns-3 based simulation of G.hn protocol with PLC physical layer version - tsokalo/ghn-plc
What’s The Difference Between HomePlug And G.hn?
2013年6月28日 · Several technologies and standards for PLC are available, led by the HomePlug standard. But a new contender has emerged in the form of G.hn, a standard from the International Telecommunications...