GeForce® GTX 1060 G1 Gaming 6G (rev. 1.0) - GIGABYTE
Powered by GeForce ® GTX 1060 Integrated with 6GB GDDR5 192bit memory WINDFORCE 2X with Blade Fan Design Support up to 8K display @60Hz 16.8M Customizable Color RGB Lighting. Core Clock Boost: 1847 MHz/ Base: 1620 MHz in OC Mode Boost: 1809 MHz/ Base: 1594 MHz in …
Powered by GeForce ® GTX 1060 Integrated with 3GB GDDR5 192bit memory WINDFORCE 2X with Blade Fan Design Support up to 8K display @60Hz Built with 4+1 power phases. Core Clock Boost: 1797MHz/ Base: 1582MHz in OC Mode Boost: 1771MHz/ Base: 1556MHz in …
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB - TechPowerUp
The GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB was a performance-segment graphics card by NVIDIA, launched on July 19th, 2016. Built on the 16 nm process, and based on the GP106 graphics processor, in its GP106-400-A1 variant, the card supports DirectX 12. This ensures that all modern games will run on GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB.
GeForce® GTX 1060 WINDFORCE CN 3G 特色重点 | 显卡
采用 GeForce ® GTX 1060显示核心 使用 3GB GDDR5 192位高速显存 风之力创新型刀刃式双风扇散热系统 支持高达8K@60Hz显示 4+1相供电设计. 核心频率 Boost: 1771 MHz/ Base: 1556 MHz in OC Mode Boost: 1746 MHz/ Base: 1531 MHz in Gaming
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 Xtreme Gaming 6G 评测 - Chiphell
2016年9月22日 · Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 Xtreme Gaming 6G 评测,不同于3GB版的GTX 1060,作为NVIDIA Pascal家族甜点产品的高级版的6GB版GTX 1060 还是“有幸”让Gigabyte(技嘉)收入在其高端显卡系列Xtreme Gaming(萤火虫)之下.作为Xtreme Gaming系列正式开始发力的一代,GTX 106 ...,显卡,评测 ,Chiphell ...
AORUS GeForce® GTX 1060 6G 9Gbps (rev. 1.0) - GIGABYTE 技嘉 …
玩家推荐AORUS游戏显卡汇集WINDFORCE 风之力散热系统、严选超频GPU、炫彩RGB灯、三防保护涂层, 与专为VR优化的接口设计, 给你极致震撼的游戏效能及VR体验!
技嘉GTX 1060 G1 Gaming 6G - 中关村在线
2020年11月9日 · 技嘉GV-N1060G1 GAMING-3GD显卡 是非常实用一块显卡,性价比高(有人说贵,但你要看看它的品质、性能);核心频率1594/1847MHz、显存频率8008MHz等等,是同级别显卡中的佼佼者;做工非常细致,变换颜色的信仰灯也很养眼;双风扇的设计,实用高效,(i5 6500cpu,8G内存,B150主板)win7下运行360浏览器、网游双开、YY语音、QQ、鲁大师等,显卡运行非常安静,温度控制得很好,至装机以来显卡没超过49度(室温27度)。 技嘉GV …
GeForce® GTX 1060 G1 Gaming 6G (rev. 1.0) - GIGABYTE
Scalable parallel computing GPU dense servers that are built for high performance. Compute, Storage, and Networking are possible in high density, multi-node servers at lower TCO and greater efficiency. Stand-alone chassis for customers to customize and expand as needs change. Ensure peak performance in all configurations.
三款齐发:GIGABYTE 技嘉 发布 GTX 1060 6GB GDDR5X 系列 显卡
2018年12月27日 · gigabyte(技嘉)发布了三款gtx 1060 6gb gddr5x非公显卡,也就是gtx 1060 6gb gdrr5x版本,定位从高到低包括gtx 1060 g1 gaming d5x 6g、gtx 1060 windforce oc d5x 6g和gtx 1060 windforce 2x oc d5x 6g,型号后缀的 d5x表示gddr5x显存,三款出厂均小幅超频,区别在于pcb供电和散热器,用户可根据 ...
GeForce® GTX 1060 G1 Gaming D5X 6G GV-N1060G1 GAMING …
Engineered with the highest-grade chokes and capacitors, this graphic card delivers outstanding performance and durable system lifespan. Compared to reference design, the 6+1 power phases on the card make the MOSFET working at a lower temperature and provide more stable voltage output. (*reference card 3+1)
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