Generalised joint hypermobility and knee joint hypermobility
GJHk and KJH were frequently reported in the Danish adult population, mostly in women. Respondents with GJHk and KJH were two times more likely to report knee joint-related symptoms such as pain, reduced performance of usual activity and lower HRQoL.
Supervised, Heavy Resistance Training Is Tolerated and ... - PubMed
2022年12月30日 · This case series aims to describe a supervised, progressive heavy resistance training program in adults with GJHk and knee pain, the tolerability of the intervention, and the outcomes of knee pain, knee-related quality of life, muscle strength, proprioception, and patellar tendon stiffness through a 12-week period.
High-load strength training compared with standard care …
Patients with generalised joint hypermobility, including knee hypermobility (GJHk), often experience knee pain and are typically managed with low-intensity strength training and/or proprioceptive training as part of standard care. However, not all ...
High-load strength training compared with standard care
2024年10月16日 · Introduction: Patients with generalised joint hypermobility, including knee hypermobility (GJHk), often experience knee pain and are typically managed with low-intensity strength training and/or proprioceptive training as part of standard care. However, not all patients experience satisfactory outcomes.
Supervised, Heavy Resistance Training Is Tolerated and Potentially ...
Generalised joint hypermobility (GJH) is described as the ability to move several synovial joints beyond the expected range of motion [1]. A recent population-based Danish survey among adults found a prevalence of 13% for self-reported GJH including knee joint hypermobility (GJHk), mainly in women (80%) [2].
(PDF) Supervised, Heavy Resistance Training Is Tolerated and ...
2022年12月30日 · This case series aims to describe a supervised, progressive heavy resistance training program in adults with GJHk and knee pain, the tolerability of the intervention, and the outcomes of knee...
《国际航空》(CN:11-1796/V)是一本有较高学术价值的大型月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。 颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《国际航空》综合报道各国航空工业,军民用航空产品和航空科学技术发展的水平,动态,方向趋势和重大成果,为提高全民族的科学文化水平,为实现四化服务。 1.要简明确切地反映本文的主题内容,一般不超过20个字,尽量不用副标题,不用标点符号,并附相应英文文题。 2.摘要应阐述文章的目的、方法、结 …
2025年3月3日 · Grifo-E以Grifo雷达系列为基础研制,是一种基于氮化镓 (GaN)器件的液冷8通道有源电子扫描相控阵雷达,可为轻型攻击平台提供电扫功能,并且成本低于现有高端战斗机使用的系统。 2018年12月14日,俄罗斯工业与科技集团 (Rostec)所属的克里莫夫股份公司 (ODK-Klimov)表示,将以配置在米格-29上的RD-33涡扇发动机为基础,研发五代轻型战斗机发动机。 该公司认为RD-33仍然具有改进的潜力,有能力成为推动11t负荷的五代轻型战斗机发动机。 为提高飞机的性能和生 …
《国际航空》(CN:11-1796/V)是一本有较高学术价值的大型月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。 颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《国际航空》综合报道各国航空工业,军民用航空产品和航空科学技术发展的水平,动态,方向趋势和重大成果,为提高全民族的科学文化水平,为实现四化服务。 封面文章、热点追踪、航空运输、空中力量、航空工业、机型发展、航空电子、推进技术. 万方收录 (中),维普收录 (中),上海图书馆馆藏,知网收录 (中), …
《国际航空》是一本面向国内外航空航天、民航运输和军用航空领域的综合性月刊。 深入的军情分析、最新的技术动态把握是我们的特长,解读行业变化趋势和市场动向是我们的特色。 对广大专业读者来说,《国际航空》既是了解航空世界的窗口,也是他们发表观点、展现成果的平台。 《国际航空》第1-3届全国优秀期刊一等奖、第一届全国优秀期刊奖、中文核心期刊 (2004)、中文核心期 …