GKrellM is a single process stack of system monitors which supports applying themes to match its appearance to your window manager, Gtk, or any other theme. Hostname/systemname …
Home - GKrellM
2023年12月11日 · GKrellM is a system monitoring tool for Unix-based systems that provides users with a customizable and extendable interface for monitoring the performance of their …
GKrellM - Wikipedia
GNU Krell Monitors (GKrellM) [1] is a system monitor software based on the GTK+ toolkit that creates a single process stack of system monitors. It can be used to monitor the status of …
GkrellM for Windows - srcbox
GKrellM is a single process stack of system monitors which supports applying themes to match its appearance to your desktop. Originally written for Unix systems, GKrellM was initially ported to …
GKrellM –带有大量优秀插件的系统监控工具 - 双电网(PCPC.ME)
2009年4月24日 · 简单地说,GKrellM是由系统监视器组成的单个进程堆栈,可让您轻松,快速地监视系统资源。 除了监视计算机的状态外,它还带有许多插件,这些插件带来了许多有用的功 …
GKrellM Source - GitHub Pages
GKrellM is a single process stack of system monitors which supports applying themes to match its appearance to your window manager, Gtk, or any other theme. To subscribe/unsubscribe to …
使用 GKrellM 实时查看系统信息 - LinuxTOY
2006年10月27日 · GKrellM 是一个功能相当全面的系统监视程序,通过它你可以对当前的系统运行状况了如指掌。GKrellM 是基于 GTK 而构建的程序,使用上感觉十分轻量。而且,GKrellM …
如何在 Ubuntu 中显示和更改风扇速度 - Linux-Console.net
现在,您只需打开一个应用程序即可轻松查看 Ubuntu 中的风扇速度。 您还可以安装 GKrellM GUI 工具来获取有关风扇速度的信息来控制它们。 在终端中执行以下命令,在 Ubuntu 中安装 …
GKrellM Downloads - srcbox
GKrellM for Windows release packages Here you can find all current as well as previous releases of GKrellm for Windows. gkrellm-2.4.0-win64-setup.exe 10674 KB, 2025-01-19
GKrellM - Gentoo Wiki
GKrellM is a powerful graphical system monitor. It integrates in a compact view a lot of customizable informations, like sensors, CPU/memory load, filesystems usage, network traffic …