Gladiolus x colvillii ‘Albus’ (Sword-Lily) - Gardenia
Gladiolus ‘Albus’ (Gladiolus x colvillei) is a compact Sword Lily bearing up to 10 slightly fragrant, 3in. (8 cm) pure white, trumpet-shaped blossoms with delicate yellow markings on their lower petals and bluish anthers.
Gladiolus × colvillii 'Albus' bulbs - Farmer Gracy
White flowers have such majesty in the garden, and Gladiolus 'Albus' is a Queen amongst them. Starry, tapered, gleaming flowers of pure white are tinged with yellow-green at the throat. In the centre of the bloom are attractive bluish anthers. Up to 10 lightly-scented blooms are produced on each 30-50cm tall flower spi
Types of gladioli – 12 top varieties for color and flamboyance
2023年4月10日 · Early flowering types such as Gladiolus byzantinus, G. albus, or G. nymph should be planted in fall and will flower from May. Do all types of gladioli come back every year? Gladioli can be perennial bulbs in the right climate zones, particularly the species gladioli that naturalize in their native landscapes.
Albus Hardy Gladiolus - American Meadows
Albus Nanus Gladiolus will bewitch you with its delicate white blossoms, dark anthers, and slender, compact stems. Each strong stem blooms with up to seven 2 flowers that open slowly, to provide vertical accents in the front of your sunny beds or containers.
Gladiolus species colvillii 'Albus' - Brent & Becky's Bulbs
A compact variety; pure white, slightly fragrant flowers with soft yellow markings on the lower petals and purple anthers; WHZ 7-10; 12”-24”; 1872.
Gladiolus Albus | 55015 - QFB Gardening
This elegant small flowered white gladiolus (Gladiolus x colvillii ‘Albus’) belongs to the oldest species still being grown today. This gladiolus with fine flowers was being described back in 1823. Gladiolus Albus is crossbred by the English breeder Jame…
Albus gladiolus | Old House Gardens
This dainty, white, wildflowery gem is one of the oldest garden glads, a true Victorian survivor. Its lower petals are marked with yellow, its anthers are blue, and it has a slight evening fragrance!
Gladiolus x colvillii 'Albus' - Shoot
'Albus' is a compact, cormous, deciduous perennial with narrow, upright, sword-shaped, dark green leaves and erect stems bearing open, trumpet-shaped, white flowers in summer. Plant 10 to 16cm deep in fertile, well-drained soil (on sharp sand). Feed regularly.
Gladiolus × colvillii 'Albus' | sword lily 'Albus' Bulbs/RHS
Gladiolus × colvillii 'Albus' sword lily 'Albus' An upright, cormous perennial to about 60cm, with narrow, sword-shaped leaves. Each corm produces a spike of white, funnel-shaped flowers with purple anthers in mid-summer
Gladiolus nanus 'Albus' | BBC Gardeners World Magazine
Gladiolus nanus 'Albus' produces tall spikes of beautiful white flowers. For best results grow in well-drained soil in full sun. Water well during the growing season and stake plants before the flower spike emerges. Hailing from the Mediterranean region, Gladiolus nanus 'Albus' is …