Tuition Fees - Glion
Glion Institute of Higher Education in Switzerland offers the following domestic fee reductions to new students who hold a Swiss passport, or students whose parent holds a Swiss passport or B/C permit.* (available on Swiss campuses only) Bachelor Programs
瑞士格里昂酒店管理大学 | 所有课程 – 瑞士格里昂高等教育学院_官方网站_Glion …
自1962年以来,格里昂一直提供正统瑞士品质的酒店管理教育,并获得权威认可,公认是全球最佳的酒店管理学校之一。 通过在格里昂 瑞士或伦敦校区 学习,你将能获得多元文化经验,未来顺利融入国际化的工作环境。 Glion格里昂推出的学士或硕士课程,皆包含半年至一年的专业实习。 你可以选择在全球任一地点进行实习,在毕业前即可开始累积国际工作经验,提升职场竞争力。 Glion格里昂在全球拥有超过14,000名校友,分布于130多个国家。 你将加入格里昂的大家 …
Admission Requirements - Glion
The Glion Admissions department takes a holistic approach to reviewing the application of every candidate. In addition to academic achievements, we look for candidates who exhibit a passion for the industry, leadership potential, personal drive, creativity and an international mindset.
格里昂校友Edie Zhang详细分享那些Glion瑞士酒店管理大学的事
Glion的前两个学期不会学得那么深,而是尽可能地涉及更多方面,为之后的实习和选择专业方向打基础,在第四学期以后就会开始学习更加深入的学术性知识。 在Sales & Marketing的专业课中,有一门 Brand Management 品牌管理的课程,通过典型品牌的成功与失败案例来学习相关 市场营销知识 和策略,比如星巴克,麦当劳,沃尔玛等是通过什么样的方式获得成功。 和酒店相关的两门很重要的专业课程是 Rooms Revenue 和Food & Beverage,这两个部门同样是酒店的两个十 …
Careers - Glion
With a huge variety of opportunities available, you can choose your internships based on the company, location and future career you desire. On internship, you will dive into your chosen sector and type of business, practicing the skills and …
Glion Ambassador Program - Glion Student Life
At Glion, experiential learning is a key part of the curriculum and essential to prepare students for a successful leadership career. The Ambassador program gives Glion students the opportunity to build their management expertise while enhancing the Glion Spirit.
Glion Student Media (@glionstudentmedia) - Instagram
Glion lifestyle: Weekdays in the classroom, weekends on the slopes! ⛷️📚 ️ #glionspirit #glionstudentlife #glioners #diversity #lifestyle
Escuela UVM-Glion Campus Lomas Verdes. Coordinador de la Escuela UVM-Glion: Marc Senn De nacionalidad suiza. Chef por la Escuela de Chefs de Lucerna, Suiza en 1995. De su experiencia profesional destaca: Chef Saucier del Hotel Astoria en Lucerna, Suiza de 1996 a 1997. Assistant Supervisor to Supervisor del Zürich Marriott Hotel Zurich, Suiza de 1997 a 1999.
Home - Glion
Keep up to date with the latest news and developments at Glion, within our alumni community and across the wider industry. Discover alumni-focused events, round-tables and workshops taking place in your region. Use the power of the Glion alumni network to find new opportunities to accelerate your career.
【大抜擢!】若き新社長誕生!生え抜きで成長し続けた軌跡と理念。 | HELLO! GLION | GLION …
2019年10月10日 · 通常であれば、転職しないと出来ないことがglionグループにいれば体験することができます。 振り返って見たとき、「違い」を見ることが出来たことがかなり自分の成長のために役立ったと思います。