GloMEEP is a GEF-UNDP-IMO project aimed at supporting the uptake and implementation of energy efficiency measures for shipping, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions from shipping. The GloMEEP Project is being executed by a dedicated Project Coordination Unit (PCU) established within the Marine Environment Division of IMO.
The GloMEEP Project is a cooperative initiative of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to assist developing countries in the uptake and
ABOUT THE PROJECT - International Maritime Organization
The overall goal of GloMEEP project is to contribute to significant reduction of GHG emissions from international shipping via supporting 10 Lead Pilot Countries (LPCs) in taking a fast-track approach to pursuing relevant legal, policy and institutional reforms, driving national government action and industry innovation to support the effective ...
Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnerships (GloMEEP) Project
The aim of the Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnership (GloMEEP) Project is to contribute to a significant reduction of GHG emissions from international shipping...
Funding agreed for Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnerships ...
2015年7月27日 · The so-called GloMEEP project, formally designated “Transforming the Global Maritime Transport Industry towards a Low Carbon Future through Improved Energy Efficiency”, will focus in particular on building capacity to implement technical and operational measures in developing countries, where shipping is increasingly concentrated.
Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnerships Project (GloMEEP)
GloMEEP is a GEF-UNDP-IMO project aimed at supporting the uptake and implementation of energy efficiency measures for shipping, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions from shipping. GloMEEP supports ten Lead Pilot Countries (LPCs) of the project to implement these measures, through:
GloMEEP project for a low-carbon maritime future formally …
2015年9月28日 · Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnerships Project (GloMEEP) aims to support increased uptake and implementation of energy-efficiency measures for shipping. Representatives from IMO, the lead pilot countries and Singapore at the GloMEEP launch.
【GloMEEP】全球海运能效伙伴项目预防控制航运和大气排放集中 …
2018年4月24日 · “全球海运能效伙伴”(glomeep)项目由国际海事组织(imo)、联合国开发计划署(undp)和全球环境基金(gef)于2015年联合启动,旨在进一步提升发展中国家的履约能力,推动全球海运业向低碳和绿色未来转型。
GloMEEP Project - LPDD
The Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnerships Project is aimed at supporting the uptake and implementation of energy efficiency measures for shipping. The GloMEEP project was launched in 2015 in collaboration with the Global Environment Facility …
IMO/GEF/UNDP出资200万美元资助“全球海上能效合作项目”-大连 …
“GloMEEP”项目的宗旨是“通过提高能源效率,使全球海运业走向低碳未来”。 项目特别注重在航运业越来越重要的发展中国家采取能效技术和操作措施的能力建设。
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