glTF-Sample-Models/2.0/AlphaBlendModeTest/README.md at main ... - GitHub
This model tests the various alpha modes available in glTF 2.0. There are three settings for alphaMode: "OPAQUE" (the default), "BLEND", and "MASK". Of these, "MASK" takes an additional alphaCutoff value that modifies it.
glTF ™ 2.0 Specification - Khronos Group
The glTF Specification makes use of common engineering and graphics terms such as image, buffer, texture, etc. to identify and describe certain glTF constructs and their attributes, states, and behaviors. This section defines the basic meanings of these terms in …
gltf模型带透明贴图的显示问题 - 哔哩哔哩
通过模型的处理软件,设置材质(material)的属性,能够使模型在引擎中显示时,将透明的位置不显示,从而达到正确的显示方式: 具体的操作方式参见之前公众号文章:Blender导出带透明贴图的gltf模型.
glTF 2.0 - Blender 4.4 Manual - Blender Documentation
2025年3月20日 · Mask. In mask mode, the material alpha is always 0 or 1. This creates “cutout” transparency, where there is a hard edge between opaque and transparent regions, and can be used for things like leaves or cloth with holes. To enable this mode, use a Math node to round the alpha value to either 0 or 1.
glTF全解析——materials - 代码先锋网
glTF官方没有给出相关的约束和规范。 但是官方也给出了在不同情境的一般处理分为三种情况: 有TANRENT和NORMAL的情况下,按照正常的光照模型和法线贴图进行渲染。
Alpha Blend Mode Test - asset-explorer.needle.tools
This model tests the various alpha modes available in glTF 2.0. There are three settings for alphaMode : "OPAQUE" (the default), "BLEND" , and "MASK" . Of these, "MASK" takes an additional alphaCutoff value that modifies it.
Mask / Stencil shader · Issue #389 · KhronosGroup/glTF ... - GitHub
2023年6月5日 · This repo is for glTF sample models and thus this question is not appropriate for this repo. The answer will also depend on the engine being used. For Babylon.js, you are probably looking for clip planes .
Material - glTF Transform
MASK: Alpha value is compared against alphaCutoff threshold for each pixel on a surface, and the pixel is either fully visible or fully discarded based on that cutoff. This technique is useful for things like leafs/foliage, grass, fabric meshes, and other surfaces where no semitransparency is …
AlphaMode in gltf::material - Rust - Docs.rs
Mask = 2, Blend = 3, The alpha rendering mode of a material. The alpha value is ignored and the rendered output is fully opaque. The rendered output is either fully opaque or fully transparent depending on the alpha value and the specified alpha cutoff value. The alpha value is used, to determine the transparency of the rendered output.
glTF-Tutorials | glTF Tutorials
The purpose of glTF is to define a transmission format for 3D assets. As shown in the previous sections, this includes information about the scene structure and the geometric objects that appear in the scene. But a glTF asset can also contain information about the appearance of the objects; that is, how these objects should be rendered on the ...