Gnutella Forums
General Gnutella / Gnutella Network Discussion (43 Viewing) For general discussion about Gnutella and the Gnutella network. For discussion about a specific Gnutella client program, …
LimeWire Pirate Edition - Gnutella
2010年11月16日 · Take your time to look at other threads and see where your post will go. If your post is placed in the wrong forum it will be moved by a moderator. There are specific Gnutella …
WireShare (formerly entitled LimeWire Pirate Edition) - Gnutella
2014年7月6日 · Take your time to look at other threads and see where your post will go. If your post is placed in the wrong forum it will be moved by a moderator. There are specific Gnutella …
Getting Started Using LimeWire + WireShare - Gnutella
Take your time to look at other threads and see where your post will go. If your post is placed in the wrong forum it will be moved by a moderator. There are specific Gnutella Client sections …
Gnutella 2 not connecting on shareaza...
2018年10月8日 · There are specific Gnutella Client sections for LimeWire, Phex, FrostWire, BearShare, Gnucleus, Morpheus, and many more. Please choose the correct section for your …
Server List - Gnutella
2001年7月15日 · Connection Problems Problems getting the LimeWire or WireShare program connecting to the Gnutella network. (not about connecting to files, that is a Download/Upload …
Gnutella: How does it work.
2009年2月25日 · Ping/Pong on Gnutella is not mainly used to measure latency or any other time related issue. Actually I don't even know a single servent which uses Ping/Pong to measure …
For those who can't connect - Gnutella
2003年11月9日 · For those who are having trouble connection to the Gnutella network using LimeWire, we have a potential fix. You need to delete your WHOLE LimeWire preferences …
Shareaza: can not connect to gnutella - gnutellaforums.com
2007年10月17日 · In your McAffee firewall you need to set it to allow Gnutella, Shareaza & also whichever Gnutella port you are using. By default this is normally port 6346 but check the …
LimeWire+WireShare (Cross-platform) - Gnutella
Take your time to look at other threads and see where your post will go. If your post is placed in the wrong forum it will be moved by a moderator. There are specific Gnutella Client sections …