Home :: GoHT - Go Haml Templates
GoHT, pronounced like “Goat” is a Go-based implementation of the Haml templating language. It is a code generator that takes Haml templates and generates Go code. GoHT allows you to write your Haml template alongside your Go code. A code generation step is then used to compile the Haml into HTML-producing Go code. Features
GitHub - stackus/goht: A Haml template engine for Go
GoHT templates are files with the extension .goht that when processed will produce a matching Go file with the extension .goht.go. In these files you are free to write any Go code that you …
GoHT Template Basics :: GoHT - Go Haml Templates
When a GoHT template is generated, it will be a Go function that takes the same parameters as the @goht block. The function will return a goht.Template which has a Render (ctx context.Context, io.Writer) method.
Getting Started :: GoHT - Go Haml Templates
Get to know GoHT and how to use it in your projects. Learn how to combine Go and Haml to create beautiful and performant HTML templates.
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GitHub - artemantipov/gscopy: Simple COPY functional of gsutils …
Simple COPY functional of gsutils written in Go. go mod download && go build -o gscopy . Prerequisites: You have to set variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS for service account according Google Documentation. Output: -m int. number of concurrent copy tasks (default 1) Single-thread:
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2022年10月21日 · 可以在环境变量里配置可用的GOPROXY即可. 我的配置如下: 配置完之后,source一下你的 环境变量配置 文件起效即可. 比较常见的GOPROXY还有,多试几次,看看 …
javascript - HT for Web (Hightopo) 使用心得(1)- 基本概念 - 个 …
2023年9月7日 · HT for Web,通常简称为 HT,这是一个基于 JavaScript 开发的 WebGL 引擎。 可用于 2D/3D 可视化开发,其核心文件只有一个,就是 ”ht.js”。 在 index.html 中使用 script 标签进入后便可使用,该文件总共1M左右。 由于其可扩展性比较强,因此还提供了一系列插件。 比如:连线,动画,obj,右键菜单等。 在开发的过程中可根据需要引入。 该引擎由国内 Hightopo 公司自主研发,是100%的国产前端可视化引擎。 经过10多年不断地迭代优化,其无论是在学习曲 …
GoHt | Archive of Our Own
2017年8月19日 · Dark Eco has given her an obscenely buxom and curvaceous body, with heaving breasts bigger than her upper half, and wide, matronly hips bearing fat cheeks that DEMAND attention. Lurking in the shadows has become dreadfully boring for Maia, who wants to show herself to the world, and have them worship the very ground she walks on.
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