GitHub - therecipe/qt: Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for ...
therecipe/qt allows you to write Qt applications entirely in Go, JavaScript/TypeScript, Dart/Flutter, Haxe and Swift Beside the language bindings provided, therecipe/qt also greatly simplifies the …
Golang bindings to the Qt cross-platform application framework.
GoQt is a GUI toolkit for the Go programming language. It allows Go programmers to create programs with a robust, highly functional graphical user interface, simply and easily. It is …
Qt binding for Go (Golang) aims get Go's compile speed again.
Qt5 binding for Go (Golang) without CGO that aims to achieve Go's native compile speeds. Instead of using common bindings and heavy C++ wrapper code that forces you to compile …
salviati/go-qt5: qt5 bindings for go - GitHub
##Introduction go-qt5 provides with qt5 bindings for Go programming language, based on visualfc's go-ui library. Lua code that generates the wrappers ( uiobjs.go and cdrv.cpp ) can be …
mappu/miqt: MIT-licensed Qt bindings for Go - GitHub
MIQT is MIT-licensed Qt bindings for Go. This is a straightforward binding of the Qt 5.15 / Qt 6.4+ API using CGO. You must have a working Qt C++ development toolchain to use this Go …
go-qml/qml: QML support for the Go language - GitHub
These introductory videos demonstrate the use of Go QML: Initial demo and overview; Initial demo running on an Ubuntu Touch phone; Spinning Gopher with Go + QML + OpenGL; …
GitHub - mbrukman/qt-golang: Qt binding for Go (Golang) with …
Go (often referred to as golang) is a programming language created at Google. This package allows you to write Qt applications entirely in Go and makes deploying them later very easy. …
A framework for building cross platform GUI interfaces in Go and …
This is a framework to make desktop/mobile applications in Go with a GUI written in Qt Qml. Both of these languages are cross platform. Go is an open source programming language, Qt is …
go-graphics/go-gui-projects: A list of Go GUI projects - GitHub
qt.go is a Qt5 binding which uses FFI instead of CGO (LGPL license). RenderView is an easy Go GUI wrapper for interactive manipulation of visual algorithms/backend code. Support go-gtk …
Cute (Qt) binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows
bluszcz/cutego allows you to write Qt applications entirely in Go or JavaScript. Beside the language bindings provided, bluszcz/cutego also greatly simplifies the deployment of Qt …