GOES 12 - Wikipedia
GOES-12, known as GOES-M before becoming operational, is an American weather satellite, which is part of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite system.
NOAA-GOES卫星的发展历程简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
(3)goes i-m (8-12) goes- i于1994年发射,在分辨率、数量和数据连续性方面都有了真正的改进。 两项技术的进步是主要原因:航天器的 三轴稳定 和用于成像和探测的独立光学系统。
WMO OSCAR | Satellite: GOES-12
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite - 12 | 5th flight unit of the GOES 2nd generation programme. Main mission: operational meteorology. Substantial contribution to space weather.
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 12 (GOES-12 ... - NASA
2014年5月27日 · The GOES program is a key element of National Weather Service (NWS) operations providing continuous satellite monitoring of the Earth’s environment for weather forecasting, storm warning, and meteorological research.
GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) 2nd
2012年5月29日 · SXI is part of the SEM subsystem starting with GOES-M (GOES-12). The instrument is a broadband imager operating in the 0.6-6.0 nm bandpass (soft X-ray region). It has a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of ~10 arcsec sampled with 5 …
GOES Space Environment Monitor | NCEI - National Oceanic and ...
2017年12月14日 · The SEM has provided magnetometer, energetic particle, and soft X-ray data continuously since July 1974. The Solar X-ray Imager was introduced on GOES-12 and EUV sensors on GOES-13. Geosynchronous satellites have an unobstructed view of the sun for all but the few dozen hours per year when the Earth eclipses the sun.
GOES Overview - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The GOES-N series consists of GOES-13, GOES-14, and GOES-15. GOES-N Series Data Book >>> Information about the Current Status >>> The Direct Broadcast services on the GOES-N series include the GOES VARiable (GVAR) and the Low-Rate Information Transmission (LRIT).
After 10 years of service, NOAA retires GOES-12 satellite
2013年8月19日 · It even traveled south of the equator to provide coverage for South America starting in 2010. Now, after more than 10 years of stellar service, NOAA’s Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-12 spacecraft is being retired.
地球同步环境探测12号 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰 …
地球同步环境探测12号 goes 12 (goes m) 国籍: 美国: 研发机构: 劳拉空间系统公司 (ss/l) 任务类型: 气象: 轨道类型: geo: 轨道高度: 36139 km×36073 km: 轨道倾角: 11.2° 运载火箭: 宇宙神2a: 发射日期: 2001年07月23日: 发射基地: 卡纳维拉尔角太空军基地 slc-36a: 质量: 2279 kg: 国际 ...
GOES Satellite Network - NASA Science
2025年1月14日 · GOES provide advanced imagery and atmospheric measurements of Earth’s Western Hemisphere, real-time mapping of lightning activity, and monitoring of solar activity and space weather. GOES satellites orbit 22,236 miles above Earth’s equator, at …