GOES 4 - Wikipedia
GOES-4, known as GOES-D before becoming operational, was a geostationary weather satellite which was operated by the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as …
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite - Wikipedia
Four GOES satellites are available for operational use. GOES-14 is in storage at 105° W. The launch of this satellite, which was designated GOES-O before orbiting, was delayed several …
GOES 4, 5, 6, G, 7 - Gunter's Space Page
2024年4月20日 · Provision of timely global weather information, including advance warning of developing storms, is the primary function of the U.S. GOES meteorological program. To …
地球静止环境业务卫星 - 百度百科
地球静止环境业务卫星是美国国家海洋和大气管理局(noaa)与美国国家航空航天局(nasa)共同发展的民用静止轨道气象系列卫星。美国第一代地球静止轨道气象卫星系列。英文缩写为goes …
Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite D-H (GOES …
The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-4 (GOES-4) advanced meteorologists’ capabilities by continuously profiling vertical temperature and water vapor. This major …
NASA - NSSDCA - Spacecraft - Details
2015年5月1日 · A low-power VHF transponder provided telemetry and command during launch and then served as a backup for the primary subsystem once the spacecraft had attained …
向日葵 9 号、GOES-R、风云四号气象卫星各有哪些技术亮点?谁 …
大气垂直探测仪是风云四号最大的亮点,这是一台体积与重要程度均可以与agri媲美的载荷,而向日葵和goes都没有使用(欧洲的mtg计划有类似的载荷,不过那也是2020以后的事了)。 太 …
GOES 4 - Wikiwand
GOES-4, known as GOES-D before becoming operational, was a geostationary weather satellite which was operated by the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as …
WMO OSCAR | Satellite: GOES-4
4th flight unit of the GOES 1st generation programme. Main mission: operational meteorology including atmospheric sounding. Substantial contribution to Space weather. Data available in …
地球静止轨道环境业务卫星系列——GOES | 预报中心 - SEPC
GOES 系列卫星由美国国家海洋与大气局(NOAA) 管理,用于天气预报、空间环境监测等业务和气象学的研究,为地球同步轨道卫星。 GOES 采用双星运行机制,双星分别定位于 135°W 和 …