Gogo (Final Fantasy VI)
Gogo is a playable character in Final Fantasy VI. They are a secret character found in the World of Ruin. A skilled Mime, Gogo is able to mimic the actions of the other party members.
Gogo ( Final Fantasy VI party member)
Gogo is a secret playable character in Final Fantasy VI. As a Mime, Gogo can mimic the attacks of other party members and "equip" their unique abilities, giving them a high degree of versatility.
Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster: How to Recruit Gogo to Your Party
2023年4月19日 · How to Get Gogo on Your Team in Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster. If you’re looking for Gogo in the World of Balance, unfortunately, you’re destined to be disappointed.
Gogo - Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster Walkthrough & Guide
2022年4月4日 · Gogo's only command to start with is Mimic. If you go to the Status screen for Gogo, you can set 3 other commands for him to use. Gogo can't set Espers and can't learn …
Final Fantasy VI Mastering Gogo - Caves of Narshe
Gogo has the worst Vigor out of the final bunch (worse than Relm), the third-worst Speed, and the second-worst Magic Power. So, what have we in the end? A utility character, mostly.
Finding Gogo - Chapter VII - Searching For More Friends - Gamer …
Gogo is an unusual character but is a great addition to your team. In this larger room, go south and across the chest to another platform. Head north and circle around, then jump onto the …
Gogo - Final Fantasy Wiki, the Final Fantasy encyclopedia
Gogo (ゴゴ) is the first of two hidden characters in Final Fantasy VI, encountered should the party be engulfed entirely by the Zone Eater on Triangle Island. In the game's development stage, …
Gogo - Final Fantasy VI - Guides
Details on attributes, starting gear, and special abilities of Gogo in Final Fantasy VI (FF3, FFIII, SNES, Super NES, FF6, FFVI, Anthology, PlayStation, PS, PS1, PSX)
Who is Gogo? - Final Fantasy VI - GameFAQs
Gogo is just a FFVIIR reference and method of adding a mimic character to the game. "I like goldfish." Godric. I think they just liked the Mime job from FF5, and then made a Mime …
Final Fantasy VI/Gogo's sidequest - StrategyWiki
2011年1月21日 · Head back to the start and jump over to the bottom left and up to reach a chest with a thunder shield. Then head back around to where you jumped onto the platform with the …