What Is Yield Guild Games (YGG)? - CoinMarketCap
Yield Guild Games (YGG) is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that promotes blockchain-based games by providing a platform for users to invest NFTs in virtual worlds. For example, within YGG, you can use NFTs from Axie Infinity …
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Yield Guild Games (YGG) - Binance
2021年9月24日 · Yield Guild Games is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) for investing in Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) used in virtual worlds and blockchain-based games. YGG offers various features including YGG Vaults and SubDAOs.
链游公会Yield Guild Games(YGG) - Mitrade
2023年9月19日 · Yield Guild Games(YGG)是一个去中心化的自治组织(DAO),其职能是投资基于虚拟世界和区块链游戏的资产或代币,优化其社区拥有的资产价值并实现最大效用。 1.2 基本信息. 2. 项目详解. 2.1 团队. YGG团队据其官方报告披露共有48人,从其团队成员背景来看,大多数团队成员拥有区块链工作背景和传统游戏背景,且大多数成员都是深度Axie Infinity生态参与者。 Gabby Dizon,YGG的CEO及联合创始人之一。 2004年以来深耕移动游戏,2018年以来进 …
搭上GameFi熱潮!邊玩邊賺遊戲公會Yield Guild Games(YGG),如 …
2021年7月28日 · Yield Guild Games (YGG) 是一個去中心化自治組織 (DAO),由數以萬計、且人數不斷增加中的遊戲玩家組成,他們在「邊玩邊賺」(Play-to-Earn)的遊戲中利用非同質化代幣 (NFT) 來產生真實的現金流。 該 DAO 旨在通過投資「邊玩邊賺」遊戲賺取遊戲及其遊戲內資產、贊助數百萬「邊玩邊賺」遊戲玩家,以及打造將增強元宇宙(Metaverse) 遊戲未來的工具,來創建全球最大的虛擬世界經濟體。 YGG 優化其社區擁有的資產,獲得最大效用,並與其代幣持 …
Gam3Girl Ventures 投资 YGG ,通过直接购买 YGG 代币的方式加 …
深潮 TechFlow 消息,2 月 13 日,据 Yield Guild Games(YGG)官方消息,专注于亚洲市场的 Web3 游戏孵化基金 Gam3Girl Ventures 已通过市场直接购买 YGG 代币的方式加入 YGG 生态系统。
Yield Guild Games (YGG) Guide: Play-to-Earn Community of …
2022年10月17日 · YGG is short for Yield Guild Games. It is a “play-to-earn gaming guild”—a new type of gaming platform that allows people to earn money by playing games. YGG is different from other gaming platforms because it uses the blockchain to track gameplay and payouts, making all payments transparent.
YGG SEA (SEA) - Lịch Gọi Vốn - lichgoivon.com
YGG SEA, subDAO đầu tiên của Yield Guild Games, là một tổ chức tự trị phi tập trung để mua và quản lý các NFT được sử dụng trong metaverse. Sứ mệnh của YGG Sea là tạo ra nền kinh tế ảo chơi để kiếm tiền lớn nhất và bền vững nhất ở Đông Nam Á. YGG SEA là thành viên sáng lập của Liên minh Trò chơi Blockchain Châu Á.
Yield Guild Games Price ( YGG ) - Coinbase
Yield Guild Games (YGG) is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that focuses on non-fungible tokens (NFTs) used in virtual worlds and blockchain-based games. YGG's mission is to create a substantial virtual world economy, optimizing its community-owned assets for optimal utility and sharing its profits with its token holders.