Set up basic mobile device management - Google Help
Android devices, iPhones, and iPads are supported. For details, see Device requirements for Google endpoint management. If basic management doesn't meet your organization's security needs, advanced mobile management includes more security options and management tools, including app management and device audits. Learn more
Overview: Manage devices with Google endpoint management
You can manage all your company-owned devices—mobile devices, laptops, desktops—in one place in your Google Workspace Admin console. Learn how to source, enroll, and manage these company assets for all platforms and device types. Set up company-owned devices
会社所有の iOS デバイスの管理を設定する - Google Workspace
Google エンドポイント管理と連携させた MDM サーバーにデバイスを割り当てます。 Google エンドポイント管理を介して管理するデバイスのシリアル番号が、システム内にすでに登録されている必要があります(Apple 正規販売店によって入力されたもの)。
Compare Google endpoint management feature sets
The device security and management features available in Google endpoint management depend on the Google Workspace edition your organization has. License requirements are by user, not by device. Any users who want to sign in to a managed device must have a supported license for a feature to apply. Fundamental endpoint management
Compare mobile management features - Google Workspace …
When you set up Google endpoint management, you can choose between basic and advanced management for mobile devices. You can also customize management across device types. Each level of management gives you a different set of features.
基本的なモバイル デバイス管理を設定する - Google Workspace
詳しくは、Google エンドポイント管理のデバイス要件をご覧ください。 基本管理で組織のセキュリティ ニーズを満たすことができない場合は、アプリの管理やデバイスの監査といったセキュリティ オプションと管理ツールを含むモバイルの詳細管理が用意さ ...
Set up company-owned iOS device management - Google Help
Assign the devices to the MDM Server you connected to Google endpoint management. The serial numbers of the devices you want to manage through Google endpoint management must already be in the system (entered by your authorized Apple retailer). To assign all devices to the server by default, set the default assignment.
Device management security checklist - Google Workspace Admin …
When Google suspects that an unauthorized person is trying to access a user's account, we present them with an extra security question or challenge. When you use Google endpoint management, we might ask users to verify their identity with their managed mobile device (the device they normally use to access their work account).
Einfache Mobilgeräteverwaltung einrichten - Google Workspace …
Android-Geräte, iPhones und iPads werden unterstützt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Hilfeartikel Geräteanforderungen für die Google-Endpunktverwaltung. Wenn die einfache Verwaltung nicht den Sicherheitsanforderungen Ihrer Organisation genügt, sollten Sie sich für die erweiterte Mobilgeräteverwaltung entscheiden.
Set up advanced mobile management - Google Workspace Admin …
Only one Google account under advanced mobile management is allowed on each device. The user must have a license that supports advanced mobile management. If you turn on advanced mobile management for a user whose license doesn't support it, only settings supported for basic mobile management apply to the user's devices.