弗朗西斯科·戈雅 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
弗朗西斯科·何塞·德·戈雅-卢西恩特斯 (西班牙語: Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes,1746年3月30日—1828年4月15日), 西班牙 浪漫主义画派 画家 [1]。 戈雅是 西班牙皇室 的 宮廷畫家, 半岛战争 時留在馬德里,繪製了 约瑟夫·波拿巴 的像,也用畫作記錄了戰爭,也就是在研究上仍有很多歧見的《戰爭的災難》。 戈雅画风奇异多变,从早期 巴洛克式画风 到后期类似 表现主义 的作品,他一生总在改变,虽然他从没有建立自己的门派,但对后世的 现实主义画派 、 浪漫主义 …
Francisco Goya - Wikipedia
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (/ ˈɡɔɪə /; Spanish: [f ɾ a n ˈ θ i s k o x o ˈ s e ð e ˈ ɣ o ʝ a i l u ˈ θ j e n t e s]; 30 March 1746 – 16 April 1828) was a Spanish romantic painter and printmaker. He is considered the most important Spanish artist of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. [1] .
Horozco Covarrubias, Principibus P. T. Non male dices, 1589.
Download scientific diagram | Horozco Covarrubias, Principibus P. T. Non male dices, 1589. from publication: Goya. Capricho 12 A caza de dientes | En este texto se recogen las diversas ...
Los caprichos - Wikipedia
Los Caprichos (The Caprices) is a set of 80 prints in aquatint and etching created by the Spanish artist Francisco Goya in 1797–1798 and published as an album in 1799. The prints were an artistic experiment: a medium for Goya's satirizing Spanish society at the end of the 18th century, particularly the nobility and the clergy.
List of works by Francisco Goya - Wikipedia
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746–1828) was a Spanish artist, now viewed as one of the leaders of the artistic movement Romanticism. He produced around 700 paintings, 280 prints, and several thousand drawings.
弗朗西斯科·何塞·德·戈雅·卢西恩特斯 - 百度百科
弗朗西斯科·何塞·德·戈雅-卢西恩特斯(Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes,1746——1828),出生于 西班牙 萨拉戈萨,西班牙 浪漫主义画派 画家。 戈雅画风奇异多变,从早期巴洛克式画风到后期类似 表现主义 的作品,他一生总在改变,虽然他从没有建立自己的门派,但对后世的 现实主义画派 、浪漫主义画派和 印象派 都有很大的影响,是一位承前启后的过渡性人物。 代表作有《裸体的玛哈》、《着衣的玛哈》、《阳伞》、《巨人》等。 弗 …
The Colossus - The Collection - Museo Nacional del Prado
Although catalogued until recently as an original by Goya and often considered one of his most unique works, the painting has been the subject of intense critical debate in recent years. A fearsome giant looms over a valley filled with a terrified, scattering multitude in what has on occasions been seen as a reference to the Spanish War of ...
Francisco Goya - 495 artworks - painting - WikiArt.org
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (/ˈɡɔɪə/; Spanish: [fɾanˈθisko xoˈse ðe ˈɣoʝa i luˈθjentes]; 30 March 1746 – 16 April 1828) was a Spanish romantic painter and printmaker. He is considered the most important Spanish artist of late 18th and early 19th centuries and throughout his long career was a commentator and chronicler of his era.
Goya (Francisco de Goya y Lucientes) | Plate 1 from "La …
Artist: Goya (Francisco de Goya y Lucientes) (Spanish, Fuendetodos 1746–1828 Bordeaux) Date: 1816. Medium: Etching, aquatint, drypoint. Classification: Prints. Credit Line: Rogers Fund, 1921. Object Number: 21.19.1. New York. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Goya’s Graphic Imagination," February 8–May 2, 2021.
Exploring Francisco Goya: Pioneer of Modern Art & Expression
2024年3月14日 · Francisco Goya, a pivotal figure in art history, bridged the gap between the Old Masters and modern art with his unique capability to capture the human condition, making significant contributions to the evolution of European art.
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