Bass drum - Wikipedia
The type usually seen or heard in orchestral, ensemble or concert band music is the orchestral, or concert bass drum (in Italian: gran cassa, gran tamburo). It is the largest drum of the …
大鼓 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
大鼓 (英語: Bass Drum, 義大利語: Gran Cassa, 德語: Große Trommel),泛指體積較大的雙皮鼓。在西洋打擊樂器中較常使用。兩邊鼓面原來用動物皮革製作,近年已全改用塑膠或纖維鼓 …
All about the Gran Cassa - YouTube
This lesson is all about the concert bass drum. I demonstrate playing techniques as well as muffling, accessories, TOG (bass drum w/piatti) and several types...
Grancassa - Wikipedia
La cassa di una batteria. La grancassa, in inglese "bass drum" o anche "kick drum" (poiché, prima dell'invenzione del pedale per cassa, la grancassa veniva usata col piede e il termine inglese …
请教交响乐总谱的标记 - 百度知道
Gran cassa〔〕G.c G.C Gr.C大鼓 Grande flute〔法〕Gde Fl长笛 Gran tamburo〔意〕Gr.Tamb大鼓 Grelots〔法〕 铃,小钟(复) Grosse caisse〔法〕G.c大鼓 Grobe trommel〔德〕Gr.Tr大鼓 …
GRAN CASSA definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
GRAN CASSA definition: a large shallow drum of low and indefinite pitch | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
グラン・カッサ(グランカッサ)とは? 意味や使い方 - コトバンク
音楽用語ダス - グラン・カッサの用語解説 - 大太鼓のこと。大太鼓には鼓面の直径24~40インチと種々のサイズがあり、オーケストラのものは通常直径30インチほどである。台に乗せられ …
请问一件乐器的名字 - 专业打谱 音频应用
各位老师,我看到天鹅湖总谱有一件乐器名为:Piatti e gr.Cassa ,不明白是什么乐器,请指点,谢谢
Gran cassa meaning - definition and examples
Gran Cassa, also known as the bass drum, plays a crucial role in the percussion section of an orchestra. It is a large drum that produces a deep, booming sound, often used to add dramatic …
大鼓 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
大鼓 (英语: Bass Drum, 义大利语: Gran Cassa, 德语: Große Trommel),泛指体积较大的双皮鼓。在西洋打击乐器中较常使用。两边鼓面原来用动物皮革制作,近年已全改用塑胶或纤维鼓 …