GRAS RA0038 1/2'' 2cc Coupler according to IEC 60318-5
The GRAS RA0038 Coupler is a standard 2 cm³ Coupler according to IEC 126 and ANSI S3.7-1973. It uses a ½" microphone (preferably the GRAS 40AG) with a suitable preamplifier (e.g. GRAS 26AC which is a ¼" preamplifier but is supplied with an adapter for ½" microphones).
符合IEC 60318-5的GRAS RA0038 1/2英寸2cc耦合器
GRAS RA0038 耦合器是符合IEC 126和ANSI S3.7-1973 标准的2 cm³耦合器。 它使用½”传声器(最好是 GRAS 40AG)和合适的前置放大器(例如 GRAS 26AC ,它是¼”前置放大器,但配有½”传声器适配器)。 The RA0038 is for use in the acoustical measurements of insert type hearing aids and earphones. It complies with the requirements of. ANSI S3.7-1995 American National Standard for Coupler Calibration of Earphones.
The GRAS RA0113 is a 2cc IEC 60126 coupler which uses a 1" microphone, e.g. the GRAS 40EN. The microphone, without its protection grid, screws into the base of the RA0113. GRAS RA0038. GRAS Sound & Vibration reserves the right to change specifications and accessories without notice. GRAS is a worldwide leader in the sound and vibration industry.
传声器选型指南 | GRAS Sound and Vibration - grasacoustics.cn
GRAS 是全球知名的专业测量传声器生产商. 本指南可帮助您选择适合您应用的测量传声器,介绍如何选择外极化或预极化传声器、自由场、压力场或随机入射场传声器,以及了解传声器的动态范围和频率范围。 您能区分它们吗? 所有 GRAS 测量传声器都是电容式的。 这需要极化电压,极化电压可以由外部电源提供,也可以通过向传声器背板上的 PTFE 薄层注入永久电荷来极化传声器本身。 外极化传声器或预极化传声器. 您应该选择哪一种? 测量传声器有三种类型:自由场传声 …
符合 IEC 60318-5 标准的 GRAS 43AB 1/2'' 2cc 耦合器套件
gras是全球测试麦克风领域公认的领先制造商。 我们为航空航天、汽车、音响和消费电子领域的研发、生产工程、 质量保证和生产部门提供服务,对麦克风测试的准确性和可重复性有严格要求。为达到客户期望和信任, GRAS麦克风一直坚持高质、耐用和准确。
GRAS麦克风RA0038 1/2“2cc耦合器IEC 60318-5 - 化工仪器网
GRAS RA0038 1/2“2cc耦合器符合IEC 60318-5标准. 体积:2 cc. ANSI:S3.7. IEC:60318-5. 特殊功能:适用于1/2“压力话筒. 技术. RA0038用于插入式助听器和耳机的声学测量。 它符合要求. IEC 60318-5(60126)2 cm 3耦合器,用于测量通过耳塞和耳塞耦合到耳朵的助听器和耳机. ANSI S3.7-1995美国国家耳机耦合器校准标准。 为避免可能损坏麦克风,RA0038可与配备其保护网格的麦克风配合使用,例如GRAS 40AG和合适的前置放大器,如GRAS 26AS,它是1/4英寸非 …
GRAS 43AB 1/2'' 2cc Coupler Kit According to IEC 60318-5
The GRAS 43AB Artificial Ear is a complete test jig for acoustical measurements of hearing aids in accordance with IEC 60318-5 (60126) and ANSI S3.7 -1995 on insert type hearing aids in accordance with:
The GRAS RA0038 Coupler is a standard 2 cm³ Coupler according to IEC 126 and ANSI S3.7-1973. It uses a ½" microphone (preferably the GRAS 40AG) with a suitable preamplifier (e.g. GRAS 26AC which is a ¼" preamplifier but is supplied with an adapter for ½" microphones). GRAS RA0038 1/2'' 2cc Coupler according to IEC 60318-5
GRAS RA0113 1'' 2cc Coupler according to IEC 60318-5
The GRAS RA0113 is a 2cc IEC 60126 coupler which uses a 1" microphone, e.g. the GRAS 40EN. The microphone, without its protection grid, screws into the base of the RA0113. In all other respects, this coupler is equivalent to the GRAS RA0038 .
展商风采| AP&GRAS 携最新助听/辅听产品声学测试方案 亮相北京 …
GRAS测量麦克风与测试耦合器比较特殊,可以是符合IEC 60118-5(或ANSI S3.7)标准的2cc耦合器GRAS RA0038(下图1),也可以是符合IEC 60118-4标准的密闭式仿真耳GRAS RA0045(下图2)。 使用2cc耦合器时,还需要准备压力场测试麦克风GRAS 46AO-S2,而密闭式仿真耳通常自带内置的压力场麦克风。 2cc耦合器GRAS RA0038. 仿真耳GRAS RA0045. 关于ANSI S3.7中提到针对不同类型的助听器,2cc耦合器还会分为HA-1和HA-2两种,这部分应该如 …