Great Stink - Wikipedia
The Great Stink was an event in Central London during July and August 1858 in which the hot weather exacerbated the smell of untreated human waste and industrial effluent that was present on the banks of the River Thames. The problem had been mounting for some years, with an ageing and inadequate sewer system that emptied directly into the Thames.
大恶臭 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年1月8日 · 大恶臭(英语: Great Stink )是1858年7月至8月中伦敦发生的环境灾难,当时大量排泄物和工业废水未经处理直接排入泰晤士河,适逢夏季高温,细菌滋生致使伦敦臭气熏天。始建于17世纪的泰晤士河两岸下水道设计还不完善,又经两个世纪老化,污水直接入河。
大惡臭 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
大惡臭 (英語: Great Stink)是1858年7月至8月 中倫敦 發生的環境災難,當時大量 排泄物 和工業 廢水 未經處理直接排入 泰晤士河,適逢夏季高溫,細菌滋生致使倫敦臭氣熏天。 始建於17世紀的泰晤士河兩岸污水渠設計還不完善,又經兩個世紀老化,污水直接入河。 問題累積多年未有嚴重影響,但污水渠系統升級方案遲遲未獲批准導致問題加劇。 人們擔心污水形成的 瘴氣 會傳染疾病,亦認為事發前的三場 霍亂 與泰晤士河的狀況有關。 事後,國家和地方官員因懼怕臭味及後 …
18 Facts About the 1858 Great Stink of London
To some historians, the Great Stink was one of the most important events in the history of London. While it may well have been wholly unpleasant, it forced the government to act, and act decisively. Here, we present everything you need to know about the Great Stink, from its causes to its consequences: 18.
大惡臭 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
大惡臭 (英語: Great Stink)是1858年7月至8月 中倫敦 發生的環境災難,當時大量 排泄物 和工業 廢水 未經處理直接排入 泰晤士河,適逢夏季高溫,細菌滋生致使倫敦臭氣熏天。 始建於17世紀的泰晤士河兩岸下水道設計還不完善,又經兩個世紀老化,污水直接入河。 問題累積多年未有嚴重影響,但下水道系統升級方案遲遲未獲批准導致問題加劇。 人們擔心污水形成的 瘴氣 會傳染疾病,亦認為事發前的三場 霍亂 與泰晤士河的狀況有關。 事後,國家和地方官員因懼怕臭味及後 …
The Great Stink: London's unbearable summer of 1858
During the summer of 1858, London’s famous waterway was causing a bit of a problem – it reeked to high heaven. It wasn’t just offensive to the nose but it was actually considered a public health menace. Writers, politicians, newspaper editors, and poets were quick to …
The Great Stink and public health reforms - BBC
Used to remove smells people thought were causing disease through miasma. to take away the smell. The event became known as the Great Stink. As a result of the Great Stink, the government...
History of the Great Stink and how it almost crippled London
2024年4月23日 · The Great Stink of 1858 was an environmental crisis that enveloped central London during the summer of that year. A culmination of several factors, notably the inadequate sewage system of the burgeoning metropolis, the event had profound implications on public health, urban planning, and the development of modern sanitation services.
Re-Smelling London’s Great Stink Of 1858 - All That's Interesting
2017年12月7日 · In 1858, a powerful stench terrorized London for two months. The source of what’s now known as the Great Stink was the River Thames, into which the city’s sewers emptied.
The Great Stink of 1858 | London Museum
London’s sewage-filled River Thames caused the 1858 Great Stink. Learn the facts about how it spread disease, and Bazalgette’s sewer solution.
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