If bars of Sanio were widespread in the Pteridophyta, which have for the most part only primary wood, and in the primary wood of Archi-Gy-mnospermae as SIFTONasserts, there would be every reason to expect bars of Sanio in the primary wood of the conifers, since they are so well developed there in the secondary wood.
Although HALE errs in stating that unconformity does not occur in the tracheids of ferns and cycads, most discrepancies concerning the presence or absence of the so-called bars or rims of Sanio in different plants, organs, and tissues are due largely to varying definitions of …
The Bars of Rims of Sanio - Semantic Scholar
True bars or rims of Sanio characteristically occur in the secondary wood only of the Ginkgoales, Coniferales, Gnetales, and Angiosperms, and they are of diagnostic importance for these groups.
Mol Plant | 浙江大学生命科学学院杜娟课题组报道植物维管组织结 …
本研究中,作者通过电子显微镜观察与空间转录组测序相结合的方法,追踪研究了木本模式植物-杨树茎从顶端原形成层干细胞逐步发育形成次生维管组织干细胞的连续过程。 首先,作者通过连续电镜切片的观察发现,茎从初生生长到次生生长的连续发育过程中,茎顶端的原形成层干细胞衍生的子细胞在韧皮部(离心方向)和形成层(向心方向)两个组织区域中,分别形成了形态差异显著的两类次生分生组织干细胞群。 在韧皮部中的干细胞群,细胞形态特征与原形成层干细胞类 …
Karl Gustav Sanio - Wikipedia
Karl Gustav Sanio (5 December 1832 – 3 February 1891) was a Prussian botanist and served as a professor of botany at the University of Königsberg. He observed patterns in the growth of plant vasculature and wrote several articles on the organization of wood and cambium.
GRIF software - SATODEV
GRIF, the TotalEnergies software suite, is developed and marketed by SATODEV. It embeds 12 modules to perform RAMS analyses.
GRIF CRISPR 质粒 | SCBT - Santa Cruz Biotechnology
GRIF gene silencers are available as GRIF CRISPR/Cas9 敲除质粒和 GRIF 双切口酶质粒。 GRIF 我们也提供 CRISPR/dCas9 激活质粒和 CRISPR 慢病毒激活系统。 基因沉默和激活作为有效的基因研究工具,可以与检测蛋白的抗体产品配合使用。 Buy GRIF CRISPR knockout and activation plasmids from Santa Cruz. Available in CRISPR/Cas9 knockout, HDR, Double Nickase, and Activation plasmids, as well as Lentiviral Activation particles.
About | Notion
An applied international macroeconomist at the ECB with extensive experience, over 20 years, of monitoring, forecasting, and analyzing the global economy. My expertise includes state-of-the-art econometric techniques, particularly Bayesian time series, and macro-modelling. During 2018-2020 I was a Lead Economist in the World Bank's Prospects Group.
快速了解一个网络:GRIF Net, Gated Region of Interest Fusion …
2025年1月29日 · 不像常规的cancatenation或者element-wise相加/求平均的融合方式,作者使用了gated region of interest fusion (GRIF)的方法. GRIF将radar和image对应roi区域的features concate起来,通过卷积生成2个权重。 基于这2个权重对相关roi区域的radar features和image features进行加权求和来进行融合。 思想类似于SeNet中的attention思路,让网络自适应的学会调整不同roi区域中两个不同features的权重。 因为单帧radar点云比较稀疏。 作者通过积累6帧、 …
Sannio Greco - Marc De Grazia Selections
It is a grape variety that has found in the mineral-rich Sannite terroir the perfect balance to give rise to a wine of great prestige. A white grape growing in small winged clusters, it has a medium early budbreak and ripens in the second/third decade of October.