Grox - Warhammer 40k Wiki
The Grox is a large, fast and aggressive reptilian animal originating from the Solomon System. When that star system was absorbed into the Imperium, it was discovered the animal possessed many useful traits, such as the ability to survive in almost any …
格洛克斯是一种大型的,行动迅捷而且好斗的爬行动物,起源于所罗门星系。 当这个星系被帝国纳入疆土时,人们发现这种动物拥有许多有用的特性,比如几乎能在任何环境中生存,甚至能以最难以消化的食物为食。 格洛克斯肉本身也非常美味和营养丰富。 由于它们作为家畜的价值,它们被引进到整个银河系的其他星球,所以格罗克斯现在是整个帝国中最常见的家畜。 格洛克斯唯一的缺点是它们的好斗性和暴躁的脾气。 他们通常会在看到任何生物时发起冲锋,包括其它格洛克 …
【战锤40K·帝国民生】LEX翻译:格洛克斯 - 哔哩哔哩
格洛克斯,Grox 格洛克斯是一种体型庞大、行动迅速且非常具有攻击性的爬行动物,起源于所罗门星系。 当这个星系被人类帝国吸纳后,人们发现这种动物具有许多拥有的特征,比如几乎能在任何环境中生存、甚至能以最难消化的食物为食并茁壮成长。
战锤40K中的野兽与怪物们 - 百度贴吧
戈洛兽(Grox):戈洛兽是Soloman星系的一种爬虫类生物。 它的适应能力极端高强,能够吃下任何形式的食物,无论它们多么难以被吸收。 它们的肉味道鲜美而且富有营养。
Grox - Monster Wiki | Fandom
Grox are aliens which appear in Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40,000 universe. Large, horned, reptilian creatures resembling nothing so much as a wingless dragon, Grox are heavily- muscled, fast, and measure between fifteen and twenty feet in length when fully grown.
战锤40k【帝国民生】专栏:舌尖上的人类帝国 - 哔哩哔哩
戈洛兽(Grox)——戈洛兽是一种敏捷好斗的大型爬行动物,原产于所罗门星系(就是后来的巢都/工业世界所罗门)。 当帝国吞并这个星系时,发现了这种动物有非常多可以利用的特点,比如可以在几乎任何环境生存的适应性和消化任何食物的能力。
Grox (Warhammer 40,000) - NamuWiki
2025年3月1日 · It is a planet in the Calixis Sector, the home of Grox, which has now been transformed into a hive world due to the collapse of the planet's environment. Chicken and Ovine are mentioned only occasionally in the novel , and cows and pigs are mentioned only rarely in the Agri World, so in fact, Grox is the representative livestock that takes over ...
Grox - Warhammer 40k - Lexicanum
2024年7月9日 · The Grox is a large, fast and aggressive reptilian animal originating from the Soloman system. When the system was absorbed into the Imperium, it was discovered the animal possessed many useful traits, such as the ability to survive in almost any environment and to thrive on even the most indigestible food. Grox meat itself is also extremely ...
Grox (Warhammer 40,000) | Alien Species - Fandom
The Grox is a large, fast and aggressive reptilian animal originating from the Solomon system. When the system was absorbed into the Imperium, it was discovered the animal possessed many useful traits, such as the ability to survive in almost any …
Grox | Wikihammer 40k - Fandom
Los Grox son animales reptiles grandes, rápidos y agresivos, originarios del Sistema Solomon. Cuando el sistema fue absorbido por el Imperio, se descubrió que el animal poseía muchas características útiles, como la capacidad de sobrevivir en casi cualquier entorno y de comer incluso los alimentos más indigeribles.
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