R-600a Isobutane Refrigerant Fact & Info Sheet
2019年3月18日 · In this article we’re going to take an in-depth look at the isobutane refrigerant also known as R-600a. What are the facts on this refrigerant? What are the pros and cons? What are some worthy notations? How is it used today and how will it be used in the future? We will go all over of this and more.
为什么有些冰箱要用R600a做制冷剂? - 知乎
2017年7月18日 · 制冷剂R600a是一种性能优异的新型碳氢制冷剂,取自天然成分,不损坏臭氧层,无温室效应,绿色环保。其特点是蒸发潜热大,冷却能力强;流动性能好,输送压力低,耗电量低,负载温度回升速度慢。与各种压缩机润滑油兼容。
R600a and R290 are hydrocarbon refrigerants. They have consistent differences versus the HFCs or CHFCs that must be considered for designing, producing, testing, handling, storing, installing, repairing and disposing the applications, as well as for the workplaces and storage, with particular care to the flammability aspects and their consequences.
制冷剂 R600a 压缩机状态 应用 压缩机 电机 应用 低背压 排量 6,00 cm³ 电压/频率 220-240V 60Hz 制冷剂 R600a 直径 21,00 mm 电压范围 187-255 V 蒸发温度 -35,0 ºC to -15,0 ºC 行程 17,30 mm 类型 RSIR 节流装置 毛细管 净重 4,60 Kg 相数 1 PH
Refrigerants R600a—isobutane and R290—propane are potential replacements for other refrig-erants which heavily impact on the environment, in small hermetic systems such as factory-made household and commercial refrigerators and freezers. These refrigerants have zero ozone depletion potential ODP and minimal global warming potential GWP.
r600a和r600有什么区别? - 百度知道
2024年6月22日 · r600a和r600有什么区别? 市面上常见的家用制冷剂型号有r134制冷剂、r22制冷剂、r410A制冷剂、还有目前应用比较广泛的r600a制冷剂。 其物理名称是异丁烷,也是用来替代r12制冷剂的环保制冷剂,主要用于替代冰箱、冷柜
R-600a - Gas Servei
El isobutano o R-600a, es un hidrocarburo utilizado como refrigerante en refrigeradores domésticos o en pequeños aparatos de refrigeración comercial y en máquinas expendedoras. Gracias a su bajo impacto ambiental y sus excelentes propiedades termodinámicas el uso del R-600a va en aumento. · No daña la capa de ozono, ODP = 0.
Isobutane, or R-600a, is a hydrocarbon that is used in some refrigeration equipment, such as domestic fridges or small commercial refrigerated appliances. The volumetric capacity of R …
The R600a is an isobutane used as a refrigerant. Highly pure (≥ 99.5 %), the R600a ensures a long lifespan to any material in contact with the product. Please contact us for more information. Packaging technical characteristics are available upon request to the commercial department.
R-600a – Hudson Technologies
Chemical Name & Components: R-600a (>99.5%) Isobutane. SDS/MSDS: Airgas. Pressure Temperature Chart: R-600a. Best Use: Natural refrigerant suitable for many cooling applications. Non-toxic, zero ODP, low GWP solution. Highly flammable. Key Characteristics: 0 ODP, <5 GWP, A3. LP1 (6 lbs. fill), LP5 (22.2 lbs. fill) LP17 (66.4 lbs. fill)
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