Is GTFO Coming To PS4 Or PS5 In 2021? - PlayStation Universe
2021年1月12日 · GTFO is a neat 4-player co-operative shooter – and we’re counting down the days until a GTFO PS4 release becomes a reality. Here’s the full lowdown straight from 10 …
Startpage | GTFO The Game
2023年12月8日 · GTFO is designed for prisoner teams of four, putting cooperation at the core of the experience. To survive, you must fully rely on each other. Evil swept through the tunnels …
Do you think GTFO will release on consoles? : r/GTFO - Reddit
The game isn't totally suited to consoles: a big part of GTFO is typing commands, and typing them FAST. Even with a pop-up keyboard, there's no way to type fast and reliably without blocking …
FAQ - GTFO The Game
Will GTFO come to platforms other than PC (e.g. Xbox, PS4, Switch, Linux, and partial support for Steam Deck)? Time will tell if we’ll release GTFO on other platforms. Will you be able to play …
GTFO PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch | Is it coming to consoles?
2020年1月15日 · Will there be a GTFO PS4, Xbox One, or Nintendo Switch release in the future? Here's everything you need to know on whether or not the co-op PC shooter could reach …
GTFO on consoles? : r/GTFO - Reddit
2021年8月15日 · Will GTFO come to platforms other than PC? (E.g. Xbox, PS4, Switch, Linux) GTFO will come to PC first. The developement team is too small to pull off a simultaneous …
Is GTFO Coming to PS4? Answered - Twinfinite
2019年12月10日 · Developer 10 Chambers Collective’s co-op survival horror game GTFO has real potential to become the next Left 4 Dead.
Is this game coming to console? :: GTFO General Discussions
2018年9月20日 · (E.g. XBOX, PS4, Switch, Linux) GTFO will come to PC first. Any publication that claims that GTFO will come to any other platform than PC is misinformed; the …
Is GTFO on PS4? - Playbite
Nope, GTFO is not on PS4. It's a PC-exclusive game for now. I play GTFO on my PC, and I can confirm it's not available on any console, including the PS4. Nope! Only on PC atm. 👀 If you like …
『GTFO』の発売日や対応ゲームハードは?PS4やXboxで遊べる …
2019年2月11日 · 『GTFO』は、スウェーデンのゲーム会社「10 Chambers Collective」が開発中のサバイバルホラーゲームです。 キャッチコピーは「"WORK TOGETHER OR DIE …