Is GTFO Coming To PS4 Or PS5 In 2021? - PlayStation Universe
2021年1月12日 · GTFO initially released exclusively for PC on December 10, 2021. However, an FAQ filed last year features specific mention to a possible console version, and while it hasn’t …
Is there a GTFO PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One & …
2022年3月1日 · Well, there is no release date for GTFO coming Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, and PS5. GTFO was officially released on December 10, 2021, after remaining in early …
Is this game available on PS5? : r/GTFO - Reddit
2021年12月13日 · Though is it available on console? not for the moment. Steam only at the moment. No announcement about a release on consoles yet. Do you happen to know your …
Startpage | GTFO The Game
2023年12月8日 · GTFO is designed for prisoner teams of four, putting cooperation at the core of the experience. To survive, you must fully rely on each other. Evil swept through the tunnels …
Do you think GTFO will release on consoles? : r/GTFO - Reddit
The game isn't totally suited to consoles: a big part of GTFO is typing commands, and typing them FAST. Even with a pop-up keyboard, there's no way to type fast and reliably without blocking …
【TGA 23】享受最長時間的痛苦體驗!《GTFO》最終章 …
2023年12月8日 · 瑞典斯德哥爾摩遊戲開發工作室 10 Chambers 在今日(12/8)舉辦的「The Game Awards」頒獎典禮上宣布,戰術合作恐怖遊戲《GTFO》(Steam)的最終章 …
《GTFO》游民评测7.8分 是兄弟就来坐牢 _ 游民星空 GamerSky.com
2021年12月17日 · 《gtfo》是款货真价实的“坐牢模拟器”。 这一方面是因为,玩家扮演的四人小队全是毫无人权的囚犯,需要去充满怪物的幽暗地洞里,豁出命干备受折磨的脏活累活。
GTFO on consoles? : r/GTFO - Reddit
2021年8月15日 · Will gtfo ever come on consoles? I play on ps5 and I would be very interested in buying the game on my platform, but I can't find any reliable info about a port on console....
GTFO PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch - GameRevolution
2020年1月15日 · Will there be a GTFO PS4, Xbox One, or Nintendo Switch release in the future? Here's everything you need to know on whether or not the co-op PC shooter could reach …
Is this game coming to console? :: GTFO General Discussions
2018年9月20日 · Any publication that claims that GTFO will come to any other platform than PC is misinformed; the development team is too small to pull off a simultaneous multi-platform …