World Harrier Organization
The World Harrier Organization is a more inclusive organization and this website will reflect a wider view of the sport. Like the old gthhh.com and later worldhhh.com, we will provide a reference for hare and hounds (once called the Hash Bible), that will now be rewritten to become the World Harrier Organization Manual.
World Harrier Organization - gthhh.com
T he World Harrier Organization is a loose association of friendly groups or clubs who practice the sport of hare and hounds. It was founded in 1995 by Stray Dog as an association under the Global Trash banner, when the editor/publisher began registering harrier groups and gathering them for an annual event.
Global Trash Magazine
Global Trash Magazine began in 1993 to support harriers and hounds and hares groups around the world. It is now the official magazine of the World Harrier Organization. GT Covers the the sport of hare and hounds, where the a well laid trail is at least as important as any social activity.
World Hash Links
4 天之前 · Traveling Hasher's Information Resource, National and Regional Hash House Harriers Link Page - Go to the Hash!!! All the resources needed to hash around the world.
World Hash Events
Need Help Organizing a Hash Event, try one of these . . . Go to the Hash!!! All the Hash House Harriers information needed.
彭字的草书写法 - 百度知道
仓颉:gthhh. 笔顺编号:121251431333. 四角号码:42122. 释义: 1.会意。“壴”与“彡”联合起来表示“乐声密集”。本义:鼓声密集。 2.鼓声。 3.古国名。在今江苏省徐州市。相传陆终为古祝融之后,生有六子,三曰彭祖帝尧封彭祖于彭。今江苏徐州市。 4.古代地名。
彭埠拼音怎么拼 - 百度知道
彭埠拼音怎么拼彭 péng 部首笔画 部首:彡 部外笔画:9 总笔画:12 五笔86:FKUE 五笔98:FKUE 仓颉:GTHHH 笔顺编号:121251431333 四角号码:42122 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+5F6D拼音:bù 注音:ㄅㄨ 部首:土
InterHASHional News
InterHASHional News is the oldest newsletter/magazine distributed internationally since 1984. IHN Covers the Hash House Harriers which is the largest confederation of hounds and ares clubs in the world. Harriers (runners) pursue hares (other runners) on cross country trails in the sport of houds and hares with a social twist.
World Harrier Organization
The World Harrier Organization is dedicated to harriers around the world who practice the sport of hare and hounds, where the a well laid trail is at least as important as any social activity. Members usually practice chasing a hare or hares (runner or runners) laying a live trail as the sport was originally intended and are friendly to all.
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