The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget …
2012年4月16日 · If you want to ask questions about GTK, whether it’s for developing applications with GTK or contributing to GTK itself, you can use the GNOME Discourse instance, under the …
The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget …
Using GTK from MSYS2 packages Installation. The MSYS2 project provides a UNIX-like development environment for Windows. It provides packages for many software applications …
Docs - The GTK Team
GTK is a free and open-source cross-platform widget toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces.
Gtk – 4.0: Getting Started with GTK
GTK is a widget toolkit.Each user interface created by GTK consists of widgets. This is implemented in C using GObject, an object-oriented framework for C. Widgets are organized …
Getting Started with GTK - The GTK Team
Getting Started with GTK. GTK is a widget toolkit.Each user interface created by GTK consists of UI elements known as widgets.. The GTK programming interface is based on Object …
The GTK Project - A free and open-source cross-platform widget …
GTK and C++ About. gtkmm is the official C++ interface for GTK. Highlights include typesafe callbacks, and a comprehensive set of widgets that are easily extensible via inheritance. You …
4.0 - GTK
AccessibleList: Wraps a list of references to GtkAccessible objects.. since: 4.14. AccessibleTextRange: A range inside the text of an accessible object. since: 4.14. Bitset: A set …
Gtk – 3.0: Getting Started with GTK
gcc `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0` -o example-3 example-3.c `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0` Note that GtkBuilder can also be used to construct objects that are not widgets, such as tree models, …
3.0 - GTK
Force registration of all core Gtk+ and Gdk object types. This allowes to refer to any of those object types via g_type_from_name() after calling this function. since: 2.14. …
GTK Development Blog – All things GTK
2025年2月1日 · GTK 4.14 will be released very soon, with new renderers that were introduced earlier this year.. The new renderers have much improved support for fractional scaling—on …