Linee urbane e suburbane - gtt.to.it
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GTR32 - 百度百科
1989年,GT-R(BNR32)在最具挑战性的德国 纽博格林 北赛道创下了8分22秒38单圈圈速,平均时速为149km/h,这一成绩优于当时的BMW M3和 保时捷Carrera RS。 同时R32远赴欧洲征战A组房车赛以及 勒芒24小时耐力赛,连当时称霸车坛的 福特 Sierra RS500也成为其 手下败将,从此GT-R的威名让世界震惊。 在次年的澳门东望洋大赛上,赛会为了遏制GT-R的锋芒,引入了更高组别的DTM赛车来参赛,而更有违竞技 体育精神 的是赛会要求GT-R必须负重140公斤,否则所 …
Mark III systems - GTT
1 天前 · Mark III technology is a cryogenic liner used to contain liquefied gas at low temperatures during shipping, onshore and offshore storage, at atmospheric pressure. This technology and its evolutions equip more than 200 vessels in operation and under construction and benefit from more than 50 years’ experience at sea.
Nissan Skyline GTS-t - R32 Market - CLASSIC.COM
2021年2月12日 · Introduced in 1989, the Skyline GTS-t was a turbocharged variant of the R32 Nissan Skyline. The GTS-t was available in both sedan and coupe body styles, and was equipped with the HICAS four wheel steering system. These cars were fitted with Nissan's RB20DET engine, which was a turbocharged 2.0L inline six that generated 212hp.
Nissan | Heritage Collection | Skyline GTS-t TypeM
R32 was entirely renovated from form to suspension. Sizes were reduced for high dynamic performance, which was taken favorably as "return to Skyline as it should be" by many fans. The lineup was pillared hardtop 4-door sedan and 2-door coupe. This is" GTS-t TypeM", the hottest model as of May 1989.
如何分辨GTR GTS GTT类型及32 33 34等型号?_百度知道
32第八代SKYLINE的标在前发动机盖的最前端,S型的标致像一个菱形.GTS是普通牌,GTT是 turbo牌,在车尾和车门的最低部会写上 turbo.GTR版本在车尾注明GTR,同时尾翼的支架在两边.原装排气管在左边,一个。
Linea 32 - mato.muoversiatorino.it
Linea 32, piazza Robotti (Alpignano) - corso Tassoni. 2733 STR. PIANEZZA DOPO INT. 300
Nissan Skyline Classic Cars for Sale - Classics on Autotrader
Based on the current Nissan Skyline listings for sale on Classics on Autotrader, you may find some that cost as low as $12,000 and max out around $350,000. While the average price of a Nissan Skyline is around $54,281, take a look at all the features, the vehicle's condition, and mileage to find the best deal.
DIREZIONE: PIAZZA ROBOTTI (ALPIGNANO) lunedì-venerdì. DIREZIONE: PIAZZA ROBOTTI (ALPIGNANO) | Lu-Ve; Fermate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ricerca percorsi - gtt.to.it
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