孤舟(2024年林黎胜导演、王伟民联合导演的悬疑战争剧)_百度 …
该剧讲述了留美建筑师顾易中因为爱情被迫卷入危局,与汪伪特工站站长周知非展开殊死较量、不断成长的故事 [16]。 该剧于2024年8月6日在江苏卫视、东方卫视、北京卫视上星播出,并在爱奇艺、优酷视频同步全网首播。 该剧登顶2024年第34周猫眼剧集有效播放周榜、猫眼电视剧热度周榜,双榜登顶,并连续3周登顶电视剧有效播放周榜 [30],截至收官为止,全网有效播放量破10亿 [31]。 苏州顾家子弟顾易中从宾夕法尼亚大学建筑系学成回国,抗战爆发后,他和女友肖若彤 …
孤舟 (2024) - 豆瓣电影
2024年8月6日 · 苏州顾家子弟顾易中(曾舜晞 饰)从宾夕法尼亚大学建筑系学成回国,抗战爆发后,在一次协助地下党女友的营救行动失败后,苏州地下组织联络点也全部暴露。 顾易中因日伪故意栽赃陷害被误认为是党内叛徒,在无法自证清白的情况下,他主动潜入日伪,几经周折后终于成为我党在苏州特工站中的一名潜伏人员。 顾易中面顶着巨大压力,与苏州特工站站长周知非(张颂文 饰)和日军顾问近藤利男斗智斗勇,乘机找出了党内真正的叛徒“黑八”并将其除去。 顾易 …
A Lonely Hero’s Journey (2024) - MyDramaList
2024年8月6日 · Gu Yizhong is a Western educated architect and the young master of the prominent and patriotic Gu family in Suzhou. On a rescue operation went awry, he gets framed as a Japanese traitor and is isolated and condemned by friends and family. He infiltrates the Suzhuo Secret Service station run by Zhou Zhifei to find out who the real traitor Cell 8 is.
A Lonely Hero's Journey (TV Series 2024– ) - IMDb
A Lonely Hero's Journey: With Joseph Zeng, Songwen Zhang, Duling Chen, Uvin Wang. During WWII, Gu Yi Zhong protected Suzhou's cultural relics while fighting the Japanese. Framed, he infiltrated the enemy to uncover the real traitor, joining Suzhou's secret service on a perilous undercover mission.
A Lonely Hero's Journey - iQiyi
Gu Yizhong (Joseph Zeng), a scion of the Gu family in Suzhou, returns to China after completing his studies in the Architecture Department at the University of Pennsylvania. When the war breaks out, a failed rescue mission to assist his underground party girlfriend exposes all the contacts of the Suzhou underground organization.
顾洲 - ahpu.edu.cn
2024年4月18日 · 顾洲,男,博士,教授,博士生/硕士生导师。 邮箱: [email protected]. 个人主页: https://guzhou2013004.github.io/ 主要研究方向:网络控制、智能交通、智能电网、分布式控制与滤波等。 简介:顾洲为江苏省“青蓝工程”学术带头人、IEEE高级会员、IEEE EPS专委会理事,云控制与决策委员会委员、网络科学与工程专委会委员等。...
Zhou Gu | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Zhou Gu received the B.S. degree from North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China, in 1997, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in control science and engineering from the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China, in 2007 and 2010, respectively.
Gu Zhou - Chinese Variety Show - CPOP HOME
Gu Zhou is a spy drama directed by Lin Lisheng, starring Joseph Zeng Shunxi, Zhang Songwen, Chen Duling, and Wang Yuwen. The son of the Suzhou Gu family, Gu Yizhong returned home from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in architecture. When the war broke out, he joined the Chinese Communist underground with his girlfriend Xiao Ruotong.
顾易中因日伪故意栽赃陷害被误认为是党内叛徒,在无法自证清白的情况下,他主动潜入日伪,几经周折后终于成为我党在苏州特工站中的一名潜伏人员。 顾易中面顶着巨大压力,与苏州特工站站长周知非和日军顾问近藤利男斗智斗勇,乘机找出了党内真正的叛徒“黑八”并将其除去。 顾易中持续不断地为我党秘密搜集情报,多次救党内同志于危难之中,为我党苏州地下组织的抗日救国运动提供了巨大支持和帮助。 他以坚定不移的信仰奋勇向前,在斗争中不断成长。 1941年6月, …
Gu ZHOU | Lecturer | Doctor of Philosophy - ResearchGate
Gu ZHOU, Lecturer | Cited by 26 | of Gannan Normal University, Jiangxi | Read 13 publications | Contact Gu ZHOU