Gua Lou - 栝楼 - Fructus Trichosanthis - American Dragon
For loosening the bowels and relieving constipation, use the seed Gua Lou Ren. Its ability to moisten Dryness and move the bowels is most suited for wheezing and constipation …
Gua Lou - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · For productive cough and dyspnea due to lung heat, it is singly used in Run Fei San from Xuan Ming Lun Fang to clear lung and resolve phlegm. For exuberant phlegm …
Gua Lou - Traditional Chinese Medicine Healing Herbs(TCMHH)
For productive cough and dyspnea due to lung heat, it is singly used in Run Fei San from Xuan Ming Lun Fang to clear lung and resolve phlegm. For exuberant phlegm manifested by cough, …
瓜蒌 - 百度百科
本品为 葫芦科 植物栝楼的果实。 秋末果实变为淡黄时采收,悬挂通风处阴干。 功能主治为:清热涤痰,宽胸散结,润肠。 用于肺热咳嗽,痰浊黄稠,胸痹心痛,乳痈、肺痈、肠痈肿痛。 天 …
Gua Lou - Trichosanthes whole fruit - Chinese Herbal Medicine
2013年5月16日 · Actions: Moistens the Lungs and Large Intestine; promotes bowel movement; promotes healing of sores; clears phlegm-heat; expands and promotes Qi circulation in the …
Trichosanthes (Gua Lou) | White Rabbit Institute of Healing
Trichosanthes fruit (Gau Lou) is used in tablet form and as an injectable for helping to treat angina pectoris. It is often used in formulas to treat lung disorders with thick phlegm, thirst, and chest …
Gua Lou Ren - 栝蔞仁 - Semen Trichosanthis - American Dragon
Productive cough with sputum and Blood and feelings of congestion and oppression in the chest. The earlier texts do not differentiate between this herb (the fruit), the seed Gua Lou or the …
Gua Lou 瓜蔞 - herbguide
Reduces abscesses and dissipates nodules: primarily for abscesses involving the Lungs, Intestines, or breast. Diarrhea due to cold from Spleen or Stomach deficiency, phlegm-cold, or …
瓜蒌 Gua lou(《神农本草经》) - 百拇医药
瓜萎仁润燥滑肠,适用于肠燥便秘,常配火麻仁、郁李仁、生地等同用。 【用法用量】煎服,全瓜蒌1O~20g。 瓜蒌皮 6~12g,瓜蒌仁1O~15g打碎入煎。 【使用注意】本品甘寒而滑,脾虚 …
Si Gua Lou - 絲瓜絡 - Fructus Luffae Retinervus - American Dragon
Dry-fried Luffa Chao Si Gua Luo is neutral and is stronger at invigorating the Blood, unblocking the channels and stopping pain. It is often used for traumatic injury, amenorrhea due to Blood …
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