GAU-19 - Wikipedia
The GAU-19/A (GECAL 50) is an electrically driven, three-barrel rotary heavy machine gun that fires the .50 BMG (12.7×99mm NATO) cartridge. The GAU-19/A is designed to accept …
「無不利」者,二雖與五相應,二體是剛,五體是柔,兩雖相感,其志不同。 若純用剛往,則五所不從,若純用柔往,又損已剛性,必須商量事宜,有從有否,乃得「無不利」也。 [疏]正義 …
GAU-19 - 百度百科
GECAL 50,被美国军队命名为GAU-19/A(英语:GAU-19/A;GAU,全写:Gun Automatic Universal,意为:通用自动火炮),是由美国通用电气开发、由通用动力制造的电力驱动加特 …
GAU-19/A(GECAL 50) 机枪 - 枪炮世界
GAU-19/A有两种供弹方式,一种是无链供弹,另一种是装上一个脱链机构后用标准的M9可散式弹链供弹;其射速在每分钟1,000发至2,000发之间可调。 目前最常见型号是作为HMMWV的武 …
GAU-19 - Weaponsystems.net
GAU-19/A on a ground mount that is usually mounted on light ships. The GAU-19 is a minigun of US origin. It was developed by General Electric in the early 1980's to complement the smaller …
GAU19/A航空机枪 - 百度百科
该枪可采用两种射速,其构造类似于 加特林机枪,机匣前面有三根旋转的枪管,机匣中的凸轮控制三个枪栓的运动。 该枪可发射任何0.50英寸勃朗宁枪弹,包括反轻装甲 脱壳穿甲弹。 供弹系 …
With a rate of fire of 1,300 shots per minute, the .50 cali-ber GAU-19/B provides superior firepower in a lightweight system. The total system weight of the three barrel GAU-19/B is …
GAU-19 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The GECAL 50, officially designated by the United States military as the GAU-19/A, is an electrically driven Gatling gun that fires the .50 BMG (12.7×99mm) cartridge. The GAU-19/A is …
USA 0.50"/70 (12.7 mm) Gatling Gun GAU-19/A - NavWeaps
Designed for use primarily on light aircraft and small patrol boats, this weapon is now being installed on larger US warships as a defense against small suicide craft. The naval mounting is …
POTD: The GAU-19 Heavy Machine Gun | thefirearmblog.com
2018年11月21日 · GAU-19 variants have been used on rotary and fixed wing aircraft, as well as naval vessels, and a handful of other land based vehicles. GAU-19 variants can carry 500 …