Gyu-Kaku Japanese BBQ
Gyu-Kaku, meaning "Horn of the Bull" in Japanese, provides authentic Japanese yakiniku (grilled barbecue) dining experience where customers share premium cooked meats over a flaming smokeless grill, while sipping on Japanese sake, shochu, and frosty cold beers.
牛角 Gyu-Kaku
株式会社全新「KABU PASS會員奬賞計劃」及手機APP現已推出,適用於旗下多個特許經營品牌及自家品牌,包括牛角、牛角Buffet、牛角次男坊、温野菜、牛涮鍋、好呷台灣火鍋、和平飯店、永華日常,以及將來更多品牌。 消費賺分當錢使,更易升級金會籍,專屬優惠隨時放送! 下載APP免費登記成為基本會員,可享逾$900迎新優惠。 味自慢! 日本傳統燒肉專門店「牛角」香港上陸!, 我們誠邀充滿幹勁熱誠的你加入成為「牛角」的 Partner! 資格:中三程度,無須經驗。 …
Locations & Menus - Gyu-Kaku Japanese BBQ
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【公式】焼肉 牛角 | 単品・食べ放題
焼肉牛角は、美味しいお肉と料理をリーズナブルに楽しめる店舗数No1の焼肉チェーン。 お食事のシーンに合わせて単品・食べ放題からお選びいただけます。 雰囲気、価格、味、サービスを徹底追及することで、ご家族や社会人・女性の方々まで幅広くご利用いただけるお店です。 食べ放題コースは3種類ご用意しており2,980円~お愉しみいただけます。 単品は牛角カルビ590円(税込649円)などラインナップが豊富!
Order Now - Gyu-Kaku Japanese BBQ
Order online! Please check your Gyu-Kaku’s location page for menu and more info. *Products, pricing, promotions, exclusions, third party vendors and hours availability may vary between location, in-store and on-line, and they are each subject to change without notice at any time. Sign up for our Newsletter and get Special Deals!
Gyu-Kaku - Wikipedia
Gyu-Kaku (牛角, gyū kaku, "bull's horn") is a chain of Japanese yakiniku restaurants. Gyu-Kaku first entered the yakiniku restaurant business in 1996 and opened its first franchised restaurant in 1997 after changing to the current name.
Gyu-Kaku Japanese BBQ
Gyu-Kaku, meaning "Horn of the Bull" in Japanese provides the authentic Japanese Yakiniku (barbeque) dining experience where customers share premium cooked meats over a flaming charcoal grill while sipping on Japanese Sake, Shochu and frosty cold beers.
GYU-KAKU Japanese BBQ Menu | Prices & Delivery Hours - Grubhub
Gyu-Kaku original recipe: Japanese BBQ meets Ramen! Rich kalbi beef soup and medium thickness ramen noodles topped with thin-sliced beef, boiled egg, green onions, spinach, daikon radish, and sesame seeds.
“牛角”品牌以合理的价格提供美味优质的传统日本烧肉,以感动创造为服务宗旨,创造了近乎完美的饮食体验。 「感动创造~所有的一切,都是为了顾客的笑容~」我们相信,美味的烧肉能够带给喜爱牛角的客人们满满的元气。