Beretta 93R - Wikipedia
The Beretta 93R is an Italian selective-fire machine pistol, designed and manufactured by Beretta in the late 1970s for police and military use, that is derived from their semi-automatic Beretta …
Beretta 93R - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in …
Based on the Beretta 92 series pistols, the 93R is single-action and outfitted with a folding foregrip, muzzle brake, an optional detachable shoulder stock and a 20-round magazine.
Beretta 93R :: Guns.com
2013年2月11日 · With a sear capable of full-auto fire, the 93R is a buzz saw that if allowed to run wild could exceed 1100-rounds per minute cyclic. To put that in perspective, that’s twice as …
The Iconic Beretta 93R: Best Machine Pistol? - Firearms News
Introduced in the late 1970s, the Beretta 93R is a true "Rara Avis" in the field of burst-fire pistols. While most failed to be useful or efficient, the Beretta 93R was at the top of its category in …
The True Story of the Beretta 93R 'Raffica' Machine Pistol
2022年11月25日 · James Reeves is at Beretta’s headquarters in Gardone Val Trompia, Italy, to discuss the true story of the full-auto Beretta 93R with the man who designed it himself, …
Getting Raffica with the Beretta 93R | laststandonzombieisland
2024年12月6日 · Our choice was easy: the classic Cold War-era PM12 “Spaghetti Uzi” submachine gun, the exciting new NARP rifle, and the elusive 93R machine pistol. If you are …
Select-Fire Beretta 9mm | Beretta 93R Pistol Review
2012年12月2日 · Beretta’s Model 93R (“93” is for the gun’s 9mm caliber and for it being the 3rd model; the “R” stands for raffica, or “automatic” in Italian) is one of the more interesting and …
HBM的核科技 中有一把逆天的 B93能量手枪。 不需要任何弹药即可发射。 被此手枪射中后等待一段时间后自爆(被给予! 效果)。 也就看不到生物爆炸的效果了(你就说炸没炸吧)。 …
B93 Raffica - Project Lazarus Wiki
The B93 Raffica is an Italian three-round burst machine pistol. It is available as a wall weapon for 500 points. It costs the same amount as the other starting room weapons and acts as the …
Vigor: B93 Raffica Gun Review - YouTube
The B93 Raffica is a purple pistol with burst and single fire ability. The Raffia is notoriously a popular side arm to use because of its high DPS. I reviewe...