GLOCK Inc. | GLOCK Polymer-Framed Pistols and Firearms
Experience the trusted name in firearms; GLOCK pistols provide precision, safety, and reliability in various caliber configurations and styles.
There are eight actions that occur as a pistol fires a projectile: Feeding – Moves a cartridge from the magazine toward the barrel. Chambering – A cartridge moves fully into the barrel chamber area. Locking – The barrel and slide 'lock' together mechanically.
GLOCK: The Standard in Firearms
Thanks to a 30-year legacy of performance, durability, and reliability, the GLOCK brand is a symbol of confidence among law enforcement professionals, gun enthusiasts, and consumers alike throughout the United States.
GLOCK Inc. | GLOCK Polymer-Framed Pistols and Firearms
How To Buy Steps to Buying a Pistol Know The Laws Try Before You Buy Necessary Gear Wishlist Accessories Visit the GLOCK Store to order parts, accessories, apparel and more. Store Tactical Lights Holsters Loaders Outdoors GLOCK Blue Label Program GLOCK is proud to offer the exclusive Blue Label program to support those who protect and serve communities across …
GLOCK Search Tool
Safety Equals Practice. Being a responsible gun owner means proper training and to regular practice.
GLOCK Dealer Locator |Find Gun Stores Near You
GLOCK’s online locator tool helps you find reputable gun shops, pistol ranges, and firearms dealers near you to purchase GLOCK pistols and accessories.
Explore GLOCK Pistols
GLOCK offers over 50 pistols in a variety of sizes, calibers and styles. Each GLOCK pistol was designed and engineered to respond to our customers’ needs. No matter which GLOCK pistol you choose, it will deliver on our promise of safety, reliability, and simple operation, all at …
S.A.F.E.: GLOCK Firearm Education and Safety
Always use a personal safe, or single gun lock box with a trigger lock placed on the firearm for an added layer of protection. To learn more about safe gun storage solutions, visit a dealer near you.
GLOCK Inc. Records Thousands of New Safety Pledges
GLOCK’s company-wide commitment to safety can be seen by each and every law-abiding citizen who purchases a GLOCK, when they open the box and see the gun lock provided with each packaged firearm to ensure safe firearm storage.
Facts About GLOCK and the Brand
Learn the facts about GLOCK’s journey to becoming a global leader in the handgun industry, including its history, manufacturing locations, and unique features.