表达价值观(GVV):让领导者冲破道德困境 - yicai.com
Jul 6, 2012 · “表达价值观”(Giving Voice to Values,GVV),是Mary C. Gentile博士自2005年起在美国百森学院(Babson College)进行的一项课程开发。 作为一直致力于商业伦理学的教学研究与实践的专业人士,Gentile博士曾执教于哈佛商学院,是哈佛商学院“领导力、伦理和企业责任”教育项目的主要设计者。...
Curriculum – Giving Voice to Values
GVV Africa is a self-paced, interactive online course that brings together the concepts and pedagogy of Giving Voice to Values with content and cases involving value conflicts faced by private, public, and education sector professionals across Africa.
Giving Voice To Values Archives - Ethics Unwrapped
Giving Voice to Values is learning about how to act on your values effectively – not about wondering whether you could. Know and appeal to a short list of widely shared values. Don’t assume too little (or too much) commonality with the viewpoints of others.
Intro to Giving Voice to Values (GVV) - YouTube
Giving Voice to Values is learning about how to act on your values effectively – not about wondering whether you could. For free teaching and learning resour...
Re: [Vtub] 所以DEV_IS這團齁有救援成功了嗎? - ACG板 - Disp BBS
Sep 20, 2023 · 目前新人開的台 青:雜談、遊戲、畫畫 奏:遊戲、唱歌、雜談 社長:遊戲、雜談,總數量是同期成員的兩倍以上 jft:雜談 轟:雜談、遊戲、唱歌 然而訂閱數是只開雜談的jft最高,目前已經突破20萬 次
GVV Pillar 1: Values - Ethics Unwrapped
GVV Pillar 1: Values introduces the first principle of ” Giving Voice to Values ” (GVV). Citing research, Mary Gentile suggests a small set of values, or hyper-norms, that are universally shared, such as honesty, respect, responsibility, fairness, …
Ethical Leadership Through Giving Voice to Values - Coursera
Through positive, real life examples, pre-scripting, rehearsal and peer coaching, GVV builds the skill, the confidence and likelihood that we will act on our values more often and more successfully.
Intro to GVV - Ethics Unwrapped
Intro to GVV presents the “Giving Voice to Values” (GVV) approach to values-driven leadership development. Mary Gentile describes how GVV differs from other methods of teaching ethics in that it does not analyze what the right or wrong thing to do is.
Giving Voice to Values as a Leverage Point in Business ... - Springer
Nov 23, 2014 · The Giving Voice to Values (GVV) pedagogy and curriculum is described as an example of a powerful leverage point in the integration of business ethics and values-driven leadership across the business curriculum.
Giving Voice to Values – How to Speak Your Mind When You …
Giving Voice to Values (GVV) is not about persuading people to be more ethical. Instead, GVV starts from the premise that most of us already want to act on our values, but also want to feel we have a reasonable chance of doing so successfully.