GWG-1000-1A | CASIO卡西欧官方网站
这款产品是适合护林员和救援人员配备的理想工具。 所有按钮均采用圆柱形护罩结构,并在圆柱形按钮轴上安装了紧固垫圈。 这种结构不仅可以保护按钮免受灰尘和泥土侵扰,还有助于减轻冲击。 表冠上也增加了具有高气密性的锁紧保护结构。 表冠与表壳接合处安装了垫圈,确保充分抵御灰尘和泥土。 按钮管件:这些管件可防止泥浆侵入,并减轻横向冲击。 垫圈:柱面和按钮轴上安装的垫圈提升了气密性。 通风孔:位于按钮轴底部的通风孔可防止按钮因气压变化而发生故障。 …
It's an ideal tool for rangers and rescue crews. A cylindrical guard structure is adopted for all the buttons, and the cylindrical button shafts are fitted with gasket linings. This structure not only protects the buttons against intrusion by dust and mud, but it also helps to alleviate shocks.
GWG1000-1A3 | Green Master of G Men's Watch G-SHOCK - CASIO
Features a dust- and mud-proof structure needed for missions in dirt, sand, and mud. A large number of gaskets built into the buttons and shafts prevent mud intrusion. A vibration-resistant structure makes it able to withstand the use of large pieces equipment such …
MUDMASTER - GWGB1000 | CASIO - G-SHOCK US Official Website
Presenting the Master of G MUDMASTER flagship timepiece. This analog-digital combination watch delivers outstanding durability and a comfortable fit with a robust exterior built with metal components.
“陆上最悍” ---CASIO 卡西欧 GWG-1000 1A “泥王”开箱(附真人 …
2015年11月18日 · 夜光效果,还有个和2000T一样炫酷的功能,就是可以设置手臂抬起旋转到 观察 的角度,背光或者LED光自动亮起。 说说他的基本功能: 6局电波(浙江这几天天气不好目前还没自动收波成功过,以前的2000T成功率很高,经常半夜滴一声邀功 ) 3重感应,气压海拔,罗盘,温度。 太阳能。 200米防水。 大概就这些,有兴趣的值友可以去查下。 1.外观亮骚, (目前有4种配色可选,习惯更骚的可惜选择黄色 表带,或者GB款的黑金配色。 2.功能强劲(虽然也 …
GWG-1000-1A - CASIO
NEW MUD RESISTANCE + TRIPLE SENSOR This new MUDMASTER model was created especially for this whose work takes it into areas where piles of rubble, dirt, and debris are present. A special vibration-resistant construction lets them stand up to wear while operating cutters, crushers, drills and other heavy machinery to clear way large obstacles.
它是護林員和救援人員的理想工具。 所有按鈕皆採用圓柱形防護構造,而圓柱形按鈕軸均裝有墊圈。 此構造不僅能保護按鈕免於灰塵及泥濘的侵入,更有助於減緩衝擊力道。 錶冠以氣密式螺絲鎖構造保護。 墊圈安裝在錶冠與錶殼間,擁有絕佳防泥抗塵能力。 按鈕套筒:可提升防泥抗塵能力,同時減緩側向衝擊。 墊圈:圓柱與和按鈕軸內安裝的墊圈能增加氣密度。 通風口:位於按鈕軸底座內的通風口可防止因為氣壓改變而導致按鈕故障。 墊圈:在錶冠和錶殼間插入襯墊,確 …
G-SHOCK GWG-1000 Mudmaster - G-Central G-Shock Fan Site
The G-Shock GWG-1000 Mudmaster is an evolution of the mud-resistant Mudman line. This analog-digital model is popular in the U.S. and west due to its large rugged style and useful features like solar power, automatic radio time adjustment, and environmental sensors (pressure with altimeter and barometer, compass, and thermometer).
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GWG1000-1A1 | Black Master of G - Land Watch - CASIO
NEW MUD RESISTANCE + TRIPLE SENSOR This new MUDMASTER model was created especially for this whose work takes it into areas where piles of rubble, dirt, and debris are present. A special vibration-resistant construction lets them stand up to wear while operating cutters, crushers, drills and other heavy machinery to clear way large obstacles.
CASIO G-Shock MUDMASTER Mens Japan Import GWG-1000 …
2015年7月31日 · Buy CASIO G-Shock MUDMASTER Mens Japan Import GWG-1000-1A3 and other Wrist Watches at Amazon.com. Our wide selection is eligible for free shipping and free returns.
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