PXN-V9 | PXN Racing Wheel, Game Controller, Arcade Stick for …
280mm * 340mm * 285mm. Item weight. 3.28 kg
PXN V9 PC Steering Wheel with Pedals and Shifter 270/900 …
2021年7月15日 · 【High-end Racing Simulator】PXN-V9 game steering wheel drive built-in double motor And the full-size drive wheel of the shift lever: response foot pedal, acceleration, braking and transfer, with real car driving sensation, six-speed manual transmission uses "H" gearbox to speed and smooth speed, special Professional racing game design,
- 评论数: 125
PXN V9 PC Game Racing Wheels,270°/900°Steering Wheel …
2020年11月6日 · REALISTIC STEERING WHEEL:V9 Sim Wheel -Ergonomic rubber grip, comfortable touch, 270°/900° adjustable rotation angle, 28cm/11inch diameter high simulation sim wheel.can provide PC platform with Forza Horizon 4/5, iRacing, European Truck Simulation, Truck Life, Maxthon China, Shenli Corsa and other games; Xbox host can be adapted to Forza ...
PXN V9 Gaming Racing Wheel with Pedals and Shifter, 270/900 …
2020年11月5日 · This item: PXN V9 Gaming Racing Wheel with Pedals and Shifter, 270/900 Degree Steering Wheel for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS3 and Switch
PXN V9 Steering Wheel - PXNGaming
Gaming steering wheel for PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch compatible, Windows XP/ 7/ 8/ 10/ 11. The PC racing steering wheel with left and right dual motor vibration and linear large size pedal. The 5 suction cups and 2 C-fixed brackets at the bottom make the product placement more secure, allowing you to play as you like.
PXN-V9 GEN2 Racing Wheel | PXN Racing Wheel, Game …
PXN-V9 GEN2 Racing Wheel. Description Specification Support. Description ...
畅享赛车游戏乐趣!莱仕达PXN-V9游戏方向盘评测_游戏手柄_什 …
2020年9月8日 · 莱仕达PXN-V9游戏方向盘可以完美支持PC、Switch、PS4、PS3及XBOX ONE等主流游戏平台。 PC平台提供欧洲卡车模拟、卡车人生、傲游中国、神力科莎等游戏的适配;XBOX能够适配地平线4、尘埃2.0、极限竞速系列、赛车计划2等游戏;PS平台有极品飞车20、F1 2019、超级房车赛、驾驶俱乐部等;Switch则包括狂野飙车、索尼克赛车、马里奥赛车等游戏。 为了进一步方便用户使用莱仕达V9游戏方向盘,莱仕还为用户准备了《V9助手》APP,用户在 …
PXN V9 Universal USB Car Sim Race Steering Wheel
PXN-V9 game steering wheel can provide PC platform with European truck simulation, truck life, Maxthon China, Shenli Corsa and other games; Xbox can be adapted to Horizon 4, Dust 2.0, Forza Motorsport series, Racing Project 2 and other games; PS platform includes Need for Speed 20, F1 2019, Super Touring Car, Driving Club, etc.; Switch includes ...
- 评论数: 7
Price網購 - PXN -V9 賽車遊戲軚盤套裝
pxn v9 遊戲軚盤可切換270和900度轉向,並有h桿手波(6檔+r後退檔波),適用於pc ps4 xbox one完美支援,可安裝官方的手機app藍牙連接軚盤設定參數。 平民版完美賽車軚盤
方向盘驱动和固件|莱仕达-专业游戏外设品牌|游戏方向盘|手柄|摇 …
PXN-V9 V2.36固件. 运行环境:优化了在欧卡里面转动一格一格的问题2023.3.28. Download; 尘埃拉力赛2.0配置文件. 运行环境:V10 V12 V12lite配置文件 需要替换游戏文件才会有力反馈. Download; PXN-V9固件包. 运行环境:此固件解决了方向盘在win11上面无法切换模式等问 …