Structure of Factor H-binding Protein B (FhbB) of the …
FhbB is the smallest (11.4 kDa) bacterially produced FH-binding protein identified to date (20, 21). FhbB binds and positions FH on the cell surface thus allowing FH cleavage by the T. denticola protease, dentilisin (22–24).
The Treponema denticola FhbB Protein Is a Dominant Early …
Here, we demonstrate that FhbB is a dominant early antigen that elicits FhbB type-specific antibody (Ab) responses. Using the murine skin abscess model, we demonstrate that the presence or absence of FhbB or dentilisin significantly influences Ab responses to infection and skin abscess formation.
Structure of factor H-binding protein B (FhbB) of the …
2012年4月13日 · In this report, the structure of the T. denticola FH-binding protein, FhbB, was solved to 1.7 Å resolution. FhbB possesses a unique fold that imparts high thermostability. The kinetics of the FH/FhbB interaction were assessed using surface plasmon resonance.
Crystallization of the factor H-binding protein, FhbB, from the ...
2011年6月1日 · The T. denticola FH-binding protein has been identified and designated as factor H-binding protein B (FhbB). Crystals of recombinant FhbB were obtained by the hanging-drop vapor-diffusion method using sodium citrate and 0.2 M sodium thiocyanate.
Development of an FhbB based chimeric vaccinogen that elicits ...
The goal of this study was to develop a T. denticola FhbB based-vaccine antigen that can block FH binding and cleavage and kill cells via antibody-mediated bactericidal activity. Tetra (FhbB-ch4) and pentavalent fhbB (FhbB-ch5) chimerics were …
The Treponema denticola FhbB Protein Is a Dominant Early
2016年6月23日 · The Treponema denticola FhbB protein contributes to immune evasion by binding factor H (FH). Cleavage of FH by the T. denticola protease, dentilisin, may contribute to the local immune dysregulation that is characteristic of periodontal disease (PD).
Meningococcal factor H binding protein as immune evasion factor …
2020年4月16日 · Factor H binding protein (fHbp) is a key virulence factor of Neisseria meningitidis and a main component of the two licensed vaccines against serogroup B meningococcus (Bexsero and Trumenba). fHbp is a surface-exposed lipoprotein that enables the bacterium to survive in human blood by binding the human complement regulator factor H (fH). When ...
Crystallization of the Factor H-binding Protein, FhbB, From the ...
2011年6月1日 · Crystallization of the Factor H-binding Protein, FhbB, From the Periopathogen Treponema Denticola. Journal Article · Wed Jun 01 00:00:00 EDT 2011 · Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications
Structure of Factor H-binding Protein B (FhbB) of the …
2012年4月4日 · FhbB is the smallest (11.4 kDa) bacterially produced FH-binding protein identified to date (20, 21). FhbB binds and positions FH on the cell surface thus allowing FH cleavage by the T. denticola protease, dentilisin (22–24).
铅笔上的4B、2B、B、HB、F、H、2H - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
铅笔的石墨(graphite /ˈɡræfaɪt/) 芯的硬度主要有两种表示法,一种美国用的数值表示法,另一种是其他国家用的HB表示法: B:Black,数字越大,越软,越黑H:Hard,数字…