空调系统压焓图的识读与理解 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
压焓图(lgp-h图)指压力与焓值的曲线图,如下图所示,压焓图以绝对压力为纵坐标(为了缩小图的尺寸,提高低压区域的精度, 通常纵坐标取对数坐标),以焓值为横坐标。
成药性相关小知识(1):亲脂性——logP、logD - 知乎
·LogP与LogD的区别. Log P: 在化合物的所有分子均以中性形式存在的 pH条件下,其在一种有机相(例如辛醇)和一种水相(例如缓冲液)中分配系数的对数即为 Log P。 Log P=Log([化合物有机相]/[化合物水相])
Coolselector®2 v.3.0.0 – detailed log(p)-h diagrams for ... - Danfoss
2018年10月31日 · Coolselector®2 (v3.0.0), now includes detailed log(p)-h diagrams for all available refrigerants as well as the ability to vary capacity by varying mass flow or circulation rates plotting a performance curve for a selection in the wet return line.
Log ph diagram online I TLK Energy
In the log ph diagram, not only heat pump and refrigeration processes can be represented, but any desired thermodynamic cycle process. Just select an evaporation pressure that is higher than the condensation pressure and you will get an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC).
LogP, LogD, pKa and LogS: A Physicists guide to basic chemical ...
2024年1月6日 · LogP measures the logarithm of ration between the concentration of a compound in a non-polar solvent and in water. It is common practice to measure this using octanol (PubChem 2003) as the non-polar solvent. Mathematically LogP is defined like \[\text{LogP} = \log \frac{[\text{Drug}]_{\text{non-polar}}}{[\text{Drug}]_{\text{water}}}\]
log ph Diagramm online I TLK Energy
Mit unserem interaktiven log ph Diagramm können die thermodynamischen Eigenschaften von Kältemitteln wie R134a oder Propan (R290) grafisch dargestellt und analysiert werden. …
lgp-h图 - 百度百科
lgp-h图,又称莫里尔图,是制冷剂的热力状态图。 在该图上,任意一点都能表示制冷剂的一种热力状态,具有确定的压力、温度、比容、焓和熵等参数,以及蒸气所占的比例即干度值X。
Interactive Phase diagrams for engineers - TLK Energy
Our online phase diagrams help you to design processes and illustrate the individual process steps. For refrigeration systems, the log-p-h diagram is probably the most widely used graphical visualization. We use it every day in simulation projects to …
化合物的脂溶性评价:logP和logD的区别与应用 - 知乎
分子的理化性质在帮助我们理解现实世界中化合物的行为起着重要的作用。理化性质如logP, logD,溶解度和pKa可以帮助评估和预测该化合物可能的行为。 化合物的亲脂性由描述符logP(也称为Kow或Pow)和logD表示。
Logp H Diagram R22 | PDF - Scribd
This document is an image file showing a logp-h diagram for R22 refrigerant. The diagram plots the refrigeration effect and compressor work against pressure for R22 during phase changes from gas to liquid and back again.
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