Sikorsky H-53 - Wikipedia
The Sikorsky H-53 is a family of military helicopters built by Sikorsky Aircraft. H-53 is its United States military designation; the company has several designations for it including S-65, S-80, …
美国H-53直升机 - 百度百科
H-53“海上种马”大型直升机,是为美国 海军陆战队 研制的一种高速侵攻(强行进入敌人腹地进行袭击或机降)型机种,用来替代陈旧的H-37大型直升机。 H-53是当今西方世界最大的侵攻型多 …
Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion - Wikipedia
The CH-53 Sea Stallion (Sikorsky S-65) is a family of American heavy-lift transport helicopters designed and built by the American manufacturer Sikorsky Aircraft. The Sea Stallion was …
CH-53 Sea Stallion / MH-53 Sea Dragon / MH-53 Pave Low - GlobalSecurity.org
The largest and heaviest helicopter in the American military, the H-53 is a heavy helicopter designed for the transportation of equipment, supplies and personnel. The H-53s can operate …
MH-53直升機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
塞考斯基HH-53「超級快樂綠巨人」(Super Jolly Green Giant)或MH-53J「低空鋪路者」(Pave Low)是一種美國空軍用的CH-53直升機發展版,專門加強戰鬥搜索與救援能力(CSAR)最 …
Improving readiness of the Navy and Marine Corps’ heavy lift helicopter fleet is a top priority at Fleet Readiness Center East, and the H-53 component repair line has implemented innovative...
CH/HH-53 in US Air Force - Helis.com
The US Air Force start receving the HH-53 Super Jolly Green Giant in 1968 as replacement for the HH-3 Jolly Green Giant as their long range combat search and rescue (CSAR) helicopter. …
CH-53 Sea Stallion / MH-53E Sea Dragon / MH-53J Pave Low III
2011年7月7日 · MH-53E Sea Dragon. Airframe: Seven-blade main rotor; Four-blade tail rotor; Designed for land- and ship-based operations; Empty weight: 36,745 pounds
MH-53直升机 - 百度百科
mh-53j是h-53系列中的最新改型,用于执行低空远程全天候突击任务,主要为特种部队渗透作战提供机动和后勤保障。 发动机改用两台 通用电气 T64-GE-100发动机,单台推力4330马力。
CH-53K直升機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
西科斯基CH-53K种马王 (Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion),是一种超大重型吊掛货物运输軍用 直升機,目前仍被 西科斯基飞行器公司 所研发,主要为 美国海军陆战队 服务,充当运输重型 …