H145 - Airbus
The H145 offers exceptional performance thanks to its two Safran Arriel 2E power plants, each managed by a dual full-authority digital engine control (FADEC), along with the helicopter’s upgraded main and tail rotor systems.
H145 technical information - Airbus
The H145’s compact footprint, unobstructed cabin and flat floor from nose to tail lend themselves to a full range of applications, including law enforcement, HEMS, and passenger transport. The configuration with one or two pilots and eight passengers is perfect …
Eurocopter EC145 - Wikipedia
h145 d3 Updated Version of the H145 with 5-blade main rotor. In comparison to the D-2, the effective loading weight of the D-3 is increased by 150 kg due to a 100 kg increase in the maximum total weight and a 50 kg decrease in the aircraft weight.
AIRBUS H145 - D3 The unique color coding, warning and information concept helps the pilot/s to collect all relevant parameters while suppressing presentation of non-relevant information. Additionally, the H145’s unique First Limit Indicator (FLI) considerably simplifies engine and torque monitoring.
H145//BK117 D-3は、これまでに培われた高い信頼性と最新技術を融合。 最新式のメインローター・システムを搭載して、運用能力・快適性を大幅に向上しました。 メンテナンス性に優れた、最新式メインローター・システムにより整備作業時間を大幅に削減しています。 最大全備重量の100kg増加、および機体重量の50kg軽減により、D-2に比べ有効搭載重量が150kg増加しています。 大きなキャビンドアを開けるとコックピットからフルフラットな床が広がっています。 …
Airbus H145D3 - Helis.com
Operators, Versions and serials of Airbus H145D3 Bk117D3, 5 Bladed H145 helicopter
AIRBUS H145 Specifications, Cabin Dimensions, Performance
The H145 joins Airbus Helicopters’ multi-purpose EC145/BK117 family, from which some 1,100 rotorcraft are in service worldwide – logging a combined total of more than four million flight hours. Bringing a large cabin, a compact airframe, and powerful engines, the H145 responds to a multitude of mission needs.
Hélicoptère H145 D3 Gendarmerie Nationale Fin 2023, commande de 6 H145 pour la Gendarmerie Nationale, en remplacement des AS350 Ecureuil les plus anciens. Avec une option pour 22 appareils supplémentaires, suffisant pour remplacer tous les AS350 Ecureuil (26 encore en service). 2 appareils sont destinés à la Guyane, 1 à Mayotte et 1 à La ...
Introduction of BK117-D3 type | BK117
The H145/BK117 D-3 is a fusion of the high reliability and the latest technology cultivated to date. The H145/BK117 D-3 comes equipped with the latest main rotor system, thereby substantially improving operational capacity and comfort.
Airbus Helicopters H145 — Wikipédia
Le MBB-Kawasaki BK117, renommé Eurocopter EC145 puis Airbus Helicopters H145 à la suite des changements de constructeurs, est un hélicoptère polyvalent biturbine destiné aux marchés civil, parapublic et militaire. Il est le résultat d'un développement conjoint de 1979 entre Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm (MBB) et Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI).