H19 (gene) - Wikipedia
H19 is a gene for a long noncoding RNA, found in humans and elsewhere. H19 has a role in the negative regulation (or limiting) of body weight and cell proliferation. [3] . This gene also has a …
H19 RNA Gene - GeneCards
2024年12月25日 · H19 (H19 Imprinted Maternally Expressed Transcript) is an RNA Gene, and is affiliated with the lncRNA class. Diseases associated with H19 include Hemihyperplasia, …
h19 - 百度百科
H19/Igf2印迹基因隶属于一个基因印迹群,分别位于人染色体11P15.5,鼠7号染色体,在进化上具有高度的保守性。 H19基因为母源性印迹基因,而Igf2基因为父源性印迹基因,两者相 …
H19 (基因) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
h19是一个人类和其它动物中发现的长链非编码rna 基因 [3] ,h19是一种抑癌基因,能抑制细胞增殖和一些癌症相关基因的表达 [4] 。
Long noncoding RNA H19: functions and mechanisms in …
2024年2月14日 · Long noncoding RNA H19 (H19) was one of the first lncRNAs encoded by H19 [3]. The H19 gene is 2.5 kb in length and is located on chromosome 11p15.5, with five exons …
H19 gene - MedlinePlus
The H19 gene provides instructions for making a molecule of RNA, a chemical cousin of DNA. Learn about this gene and related health conditions.
Long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) H19: An essential developmental …
Mechanistically, H19 mediates diverse regulatory functions by serving as competing endogenous RNAs (CeRNAs), Igf2/H19 imprinted tandem gene, modular scaffold, cooperating with H19 …
H19 (Gene) - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
H19 (Gene) is a long non-coding RNA abundantly expressed during embryonic development and downregulated after birth. It plays a role as a tumor suppressor gene, a trans regulator of co …
Genes Dis 综述︱重庆医科大学附院黄伟团队评述长链非编码RNA H19 …
目前已有研究证实H19的低表达与 骨肉瘤 的进展和不良预后有关。而在乳腺癌、 胃肠道肿瘤 、 肺癌 、泌尿道肿瘤等肿瘤中H19高表达与局部侵袭、转移和预后不良有关。 四、H19在干细胞 …
H19, a Long Non-coding RNA, Mediates Transcription Factors and …
Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have recently been found to be important in gene regulation. lncRNA H19 has been reported to play an oncogenic role in many human cancers. Its specific …
The H19 gene: regulation and function of a non-coding RNA
The H19 gene encodes a 2.3-kb non-coding mRNA which is strongly expressed during embryogenesis. This gene belongs to an imprinted cluster, conserved on mouse chromosome …
长非编码 RNA (lncRNA) H19:一种重要的发育调节因子,在癌症 …
从机制上讲, H19通过充当竞争性内源RNA(CeRNA)、 Igf2/H19印记串联基因、模块化支架、与H19反义配合以及直接与其他mRNA或lncRNA发挥作用来介导多种调节功能。
The H19 locus: role of an imprinted non-coding RNA in growth …
The H19 gene produces a non-coding RNA, which is abundantly expressed during embryonic development and down-regulated after birth. Although this gene was discovered over 20 years …
H19 lncRNA alters DNA methylation genome wide by regulating S …
2015年12月21日 · We show that H19 knockdown activates SAHH, leading to increased DNMT3B-mediated methylation of an lncRNA-encoding gene Nctc1 within the Igf2-H19-Nctc1 locus. …
The role of long non-coding RNA H19 in infertility
2023年7月28日 · LncRNA H19 has been linked to endometriosis, diminished ovarian reserve, polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine fibroids, and male factor infertility. 3. The clinical …
H19 lncRNA controls gene expression of the Imprinted Gene ... - PNAS
2013年12月2日 · Here, we identified the methyl-CpG–binding domain protein 1 MBD1 as a physical and functional partner of the H19 long noncoding RNA (lncRNA). The H19 …
The H19 Non-Coding RNA Is Essential for Human Tumor Growth
2007年9月5日 · H19 is an imprinted gene that demonstrates maternal monoallelic expression without a protein product; although its expression is shut off in most tissues postnatally, it is re …
The Roles of H19 in Regulating Inflammation and Aging
2020年10月26日 · H19 usually controls gene expression by acting as a microRNA sponge, or through mir-675, or by leading various protein complexes to genes at the chromosome level. …
H19, a Long Non-coding RNA, Mediates Transcription
2020年9月4日 · In this study, we developed a novel analytic approach by integrating the synergistic regulation among lncRNAs (e.g., H19), transcription factors (TFs), target genes, …
The H19 gene: regulation and function of a non-coding RNA
2006年3月30日 · The H19 gene encodes a 2.3-kb non-coding mRNA which is strongly expressed during embryogenesis. This gene belongs to an imprinted cluster, conserved on mouse …