MHC Class I (H-2Kd/H-2Dd) Monoclonal Antibody (34-1-2S), …
Data depict median fluorescent intensity (MFI) with representative histograms to the right (B, D) or the frequency of MHC II+events with representative dot plots (E, F). Data are from three independent experiments.
Validation of novel conditional ligands and large-scale detection …
2024年5月29日 · To overcome this challenge, we design and experimentally validate conditional ligands restricted to murine MHC class I alleles H2D d and H2K d.
A tissue-based draft map of the murine MHC class I immunopeptidome …
2018年8月7日 · We applied mass spectrometry (MS) technologies to draft the first tissue-based atlas of the murine MHC class I immunopeptidome in health.
理解流式数据中的MFI - 流式杂谈和进展 - 流式中文网 - Powered …
2013年6月5日 · MFI(平均荧光强度),是算术平均数、几何平均数、中位荧光强度的统称。 在理想情况下,数据应该是正态分布,平均数(means)、中位数(median)、众数(mode)三个值是相等的。 但实际情况下,流式数据几乎都不是正态分布的,数据倾斜得越大,平均值就越向倾斜方向漂移。 众数(Mode)统计学名词,是一组数据中出现次数最多的数值,有时众数在一组数中有好几个。 因为荧光强度通常用LOG模式获取,故算术平均数此时无法统计此类数据,就需 …
Merck联合BMS | MFI助力抗体药物免疫原性风险评估
2022年12月2日 · 主要使用两种技术,MFI(Micro-Flow Imaging)和光阻法。 MFI被应用于计数在不同上游工艺处理后不溶性微粒情况。 包括病毒过滤/中和/灭活(FNVI)、阴离子交换色谱(AEX)和病毒过滤(VF)。
H2-Dd Antibody (34-5-8S) | SCBT - Santa Cruz Biotechnology
H2-D d Antibody (34-5-8S) is an IgG 2a mouse monoclonal H2-Dd antibody (also designated H2-D d antibody) that detects the H2-Dd protein of mouse origin by IP and FCM. H2-D d Antibody (34-5-8S) is available as the non-conjugated anti-H2-Dd antibody.
小鼠MHC Class I H 2Dd抗体 [34-1-2S] - Low endotoxin,Azide …
购买小鼠MHC Class I H 2Dd小鼠单克隆抗体 [34-1-2S] (ab174603),小鼠MHC Class I H 2Dd抗体经Flow Cyt,FuncS验证,可与小鼠样本反应。 中国现货速达。
H-2Kd/H-2Dd Monoclonal Antibody (34-1-2S), Biotin - 赛默飞世 …
Invitrogen Anti-H-2Kd/H-2Dd Monoclonal (34-1-2S), Catalog # MA5-18009. Tested in Flow Cytometry (Flow) applications. This antibody reacts with Mouse samples. Supplied as 100 µg purified antibody (0.1 mg/mL).
H2-Dd Antibody (5K47) Antibody (5K47) | SCBT - SCBT - Santa …
recommended for detection of a conformational epitope on H2-D d MHC class I found on the N terminal domains of α1 and α2 chains when complexed with β2 microglobulin of mouse origin by IP and FCM; non cross-reactive with H2Dd α chains synthesized in vitro; available conjugated to FITC for IF, IHC(P) and FCM
MHC Class I (H-2Kd/H-2Dd) Monoclonal Antibody (34-1-2S), PE, …
Data depict median fluorescent intensity (MFI) with representative histograms to the right (B, D) or the frequency of MHC II+events with representative dot plots (E, F). Data are from three independent experiments.