Hodgdon H335 Warning - The Firearms Forum
2016年9月8日 · 2) Most importantly, H335 is unlike most all other powders in that it gets very nasty when loaded beyond listed data for your bullet. Quit chasing velocity and exceeding Max …
H335 in M1A & L1A1? - The Firearms Forum
2024年9月4日 · None of the seven propellants listed for "service rifle" loads were H335. Nonetheless, when I look up data using H335 with the Nosler projectile, it lists a maximum …
H335 for 308 - Sniper's Hide
2011年5月14日 · H335 will work, but there are much better options out there. Varget would be a better choice and is the go to powder for a lot of 308 shooters. If you're looking to stick with a …
Need Load for .223 Rem. with H335 - The Firearms Forum
2009年12月9日 · The A-Bolt liked 26.0 gr of H335. The Browning 1885 single shot likes the Speer 52 gr HP (#1035) with 26.0 gr of H335. My fast twist AR likes 75 gr BTHP Match and 22.5 gr of …
H335 for .45-70 JSP 405 gr. - The Firearms Forum
2015年4月29日 · Steve - H335 is a pretty poor choice to load .45-70 with. H-335 is better suited to .223 and similar use. For those 405 grain bullets, I'd strongly suggest IMR-3031. You can load …
Benchmark vs H335 - Improving H335 Performance? | Sniper's …
2010年6月28日 · Re: Benchmark vs H335 - Improving H335 Performance? Haven't shot any 62's but 25.3 of H335 and the 65 SGK shoots pretty consistent groups for me out of a 1/12 (which it …
H335 Powder - The Firearms Forum
2012年12月31日 · H335 is not a slow burning powder. On the Hodgdon powder relative burn Rates chart IMR3031 is 78 and H335 is 81. Varget, a common choice for 223, is 99. W748 is …
H335 vs. H322 in a .223 - The Firearms Forum
2010年11月10日 · did an interesting experiment at the range yesterday. compared Hodgdon H335 with H322 using the exact same brass and bullets. i even weighed the bullets so they …
H335 in large calibers - The Firearms Forum
2022年3月16日 · I do not and never have used H335. There was/is a thread stated yesterday that mentioned H335 in 30.06 so I looked it up on the Hodgdon web site. There were loads listed …
H335 powder or winchester powder - The Firearms Forum
2013年2月5日 · thanks for the help, what I have is powder from a old shooter who has passed away some time back and I suspect that this re-canned powder that is marked Winchester ball …