LGA 1151 - Wikipedia
LGA 1151, [1] also known as Socket H4, is a type of zero insertion force flip-chip land grid array (LGA) socket for Intel desktop processors which comes in two distinct versions: the first revision which supports both Intel's Skylake [2] and Kaby Lake CPUs, and the second revision which supports Coffee Lake CPUs exclusively.
LGA 1151 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
LGA 1151,又称Socket H4,是英特尔用于Skylake微架构、Kaby Lake微架构、Coffee Lake微架构所使用的CPU插槽。 此CPU插槽取代 LGA 1150 (Socket H3),并且同时支援 DDR3L 与 DDR4 的 记忆体模组 [ 1 ] 。
intel LGA1151 CPU插槽针脚定义 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
LGA 1151,又称Socket H4,是英特尔用于 Skylake微架构 、 Kaby Lake微架构 、 Coffee Lake微架构 所使用的CPU插槽。 此CPU插槽将取代LGA 1150(Socket H3),并且同时支援 DDR3L 与 DDR4 的内存模组 [1]。 和LGA 1155过渡至LGA 1150一样,LGA 1150和LGA 1151的CPU互不兼容。 由于Skylake及Kaby Lake架构相等,同时使用的脚位一样,因此 Intel 100系列芯片组 的主板只需要更新主板BIOS就可以兼容Kaby Lake架构处理器。
Socket 1151 / Socket LGA1151 / Socket H4 - CPU世界
Socket 1151 is a Land Grid Array type of socket, used with 6th generation desktop Core microprocessors and 5th generation Xeon processors. The socket, which is also referred as LGA1151 and H4 in Intel documentation, has 1151 land contacts and uses Independent Loading Mechanism (ILM) for easy CPU installation and removal.
Socket H4 (LGA1151)
Designed by Deksor, computerguy096 and Zago. (c) 2019-2025 All wrongs reversed.
LGA 1151 (Socket H4) | Device Drivers
LGA 1151, also known as Socket H4, is an Intel microprocessor compatible socket which comes in two distinct versions: the first revision which supports both Intel's Skylake and Kaby Lake CPUs, and the second revision which supports Coffee Lake CPUs exclusively. LGA 1151 is designed as a replacement for the LGA 1150 (known as Socket H3).
Amazon.com: H4 Socket
2PCS Ceramic H4 9003 HB2 Wiring Harness Headlight Socket, Pigtail Socket Female Plug to Fix Un-Standard H4 Plug Pins, Fog Light Retrofit Connector with 3 Adapter, Car Accessories
H1, H3, H4, H7, H11, HB3, HB4 | Headlight Sockets Explained
2021年12月17日 · For example, the H4 bulb has two filaments (one for high beam and the other for low beam), whereas the H7 only has one. A conventional headlight with a single reflecting surface can use an H4 bulb. But if a vehicle uses H7 bulbs, it has to have a twin-pod setup, one pod for high and the other for low beam.
Amazon.com: H4 Bulb Socket
H4 HB2 9003 Male Socket for LED Replacement Headlight Connector Wiring Harness Kit,Pack of 2
H4 Pigtail Socket Wiring Harness Headlight Plug Heavy …
2017年10月18日 · Socket Type : H4/ 9003/HB2. Voltage : DC 12V; Wire Gauge: 14AWG. Material : Plastic, Ceramic, Copper Wire. Package Dimensions : 5.3 x 4.75 x 1.1 inches (L*W*H); Weight : 3.2 ounces. Package Includes : 2 pcs of Car Headlight Socket Harness. Note!!!